[hider=Lady Myorvaine, Grand Dame of the Fenn][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MirdpDv.jpg[/img] [b]Lady Myorvaine, Grand Dame of the Fenn[/b][/center][hr] [b]Domain:[/b] Nature; Life; Growth [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] A neutral peaceful goddess with a levelhead, she nurtures her Beloved race and see's them as her children. [b]Symbol:[/b] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/109d/f/2011/280/b/a/bac70fc378e9766436535383a4295cdf-d4c2wef.png[/img] [b]Method of Worship:[/b] There are no religious structures in the Fenn Dweller realm, bar a few small shrines here and there - simplistic things made of stone and earth and moss and wildflowers that blend in with the forest. Most worship takes place during spiritual festivals, where Fenn Dwellers dance among the trees, ushering in a new year or saying their goodbyes to the last year past. There are four major festivals a year: + Winter Solstice: A festival of renewal + Summer Solstice: A festival of life and light + Autumn Equinox: A time to give thanks, extra food is usually speant. + Spring Equinox: A fertility festival usually accompanied by a baby boom. [b]Race created:[/b] Fenn Dwellers[/hider] [hider=Fenn Dwellers][b]Race Name :[/b] Fenn Dwellers [b]What Race is it :[/b] Also known as forest spirits, they come in all shapes and sizes, often with antlers or horns atop their heads. Sometimes they have cloven hooves, barky skin, tails or animal parts mixed into their anatomy - a lanky creature with the tale of a lion here, a small beast with the legs of a goat there. They are often covered in moss, mushrooms, foliage or undergrowth, and it is not unusual to see them surrounded by animals or insects living among their hair. [b]Strengths:[/b] Powered by sunlight and water, in dire situations they can reproduce asexually to survive. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Fire [b]Economy/Industry:[/b] The Fenn Dwellers are interested in nature, their main exports being food and sustainable lumber, gifted by their forest home. [b]Buildings:[/b] The Sacred Grove: Where mating rituals are performed causing pods to form around the forest. The Great Tree: The Village Elders mould themselves into the Great tree, so they may commune with the forest and the flow of life itself to guide them. Bud of Life: A giant flower bud half submerged in a lake, it is only accesible through the top. Within the walls are covered wall to wall with glowing golden plants; who's nectar is luminescent and who's taste is famed to be the sweetest on all the world. Method of making more of their kind: Gift of the trees: After courtship small pods appear throughout the forest containing newborn Fenn Dwellers[/hider] This is my first NRP, so I'm probably not skilled enough to be co-gm xD Is my sheet ok? Also hopefully [@Eklispe][@lucidnonsense][@duck] will pop along sometime. Otherwise I can try to help you advertise :D