Ezra looked up from the paper work in front of him and stared at the girl. She was a new face, he was sure he'd never seen her walking the streets. The way she was dressed let him know right away that she was part of the population that was benefiting from the terror his people had to suffer. Either way, she was a potential customer so he flashed her a shy smile. It was better to be in good standing with someone like her, it would mean his bakery would live to see another day. She appeared to be around his age and he wondered if her parents knew she had strayed down this way. When she mentioned the smell of the shop he perked up a little bit. "At least someone besides myself gets to enjoy the scent of the fresh Babka. If you like chocolate I suggest a slice of that. It's just fresh out of the oven not too long ago and I made it myself," Ezra said beaming a little with pride as he pointed to it in the glass case, "it is chocolate and I added a little bit of nuts to it. Don't tell the owners though." His family wasn't big on changing their recipes. If they hadn't been gone for the evening he'd never would have gotten away with adding nuts. He also pointed to a couple macaroons and fresh loaves of bread. He wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for so he offered her up a variety of choices. He pleaded to his God that she would buy at least one thing, anything at this point. Business was slow today and they needed to make ends meet. "I'll let you look around inside the cases to see if anything catches your fancy. If you need me just give me a shout," he said walking to the back to check on the inventory. He made sure that he could still her and the rest of the store. The last thing he needed was to be robbed. His parents would never let him live it down if something happened to the store on his watch.