She seemed so… so unexpectedly gentle with the books as she took them from the cart and put them in the proper places on the shelf. A small closed lip smile moved across his face as he watched her work so softly like he did. “I’m off in about 10 minutes.” He said with a smile on his face, “And sure, I’d love the help!” They put away the books chatting softly between the two of them in order to not disturb those around them. Once they were finished, they checked out her books with a smile on his face as he did so. He was so happy to think he had a ‘friend’ and now someone he could hang out with besides his family. They exchanged phone numbers and parted ways before Kenton climbed back into his car and drove him. The next morning rolled around and the blonde haired young man got out of bed with a new found purpose. He used to dread going to school because he didn’t know what the day would bring. Now… well he still doesn’t know what the day will bring but he had someone to be with him! His sleepy eyes stared down at his phone. It was two hours before they were due at school. Was this too early to text someone? This whole friendship thing was new to him. Would she think it was weird that he would text her this early in the morning? If he didn’t text her would she think that he didn’t want to talk to her again? As he laid there half asleep, his fingers did the talking for him. Literally… [i]Good morning.[/i] [b]Send[/b] Before he realized what he was doing, he had texted her.