Marta was becoming more and more glad she decided to walk today. This bakery was heaven on earth. Her sweet tooth was definitely a flaw, and her mother being the way she is, didn’t let Marta get too many sweets. A heavy girl will never find a husband. You must maintain your figure. But at this moment, Marta could eat everything in this bakery. Her smiling, which hasn’t left her face, grew even larger when she heard the word “chocolate”. She looked over at the bread, which apparently is called babka, and saw the chocolate melted on top and inside. “Oh that looks absolutely amazing.” Marta said as she had to keep from drooling on the counter. “And I think nuts are always the perfect addition.” Marta looked into the display case more and saw macaroons, she recognized those. But there were so many other breads and pastries she has never seen. How was she ever going to be able to decide? Just as she was about to ask the boy for more advice, he said he was going into the back. Marta frowned slightly. She felt like a lost kid now. She didn’t even know where to begin, but she didn’t want to be a nuisance. This boy obviously was alone working and had a lot to do. He was probably used to his customers coming in and knowing instantly what they wanted. Marta started to chew on her lip as she looked at everything in the case. She already knew she would get some of the babka, but it was a matter of deciding if she should get anything else. She was worst than a child who gets to go into the candy shop and is allowed to pick two things. Marta had enough money to get several things, but she didn’t want to seem like a glutton. [i]Just call him up front. I am sure he will help [/i], Marta thought to herself. She peeked around back and saw the back of the boy’s head as he was counting some items on a shelf. She didn’t want to interrupt what he was doing. Suddenly, she heard the bell ring and turned around a saw an elderly man walk into the bakery. His eyes landed on Marta and he raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything. He walked up to the counter and called out “Ezra?” Marta could only assume this person was a regular and knew the boy who was in the back. So she had a name, Ezra. It was unique and Marta liked it. She continued to stand in front of the case, figuring she would let this elderly man get what he needed, since he probably knew exactly what he wanted. Marta was starting to feel pretty foolish; how hard is it to pick out a couple desserts?