When Vec is unsure whether to laugh at my post or to thank it, I know that I'm no longer making sense. Off to bed with me! xP Edit: Though I was bored too, and decided to write up what would be the beginnings of the Cube: [quote=The Cube][i]At the end, there was Fate. And alongside Fate was Amul'Sharar. And all had been measured. And all had been weighed. And all had come to a close. After the end, Fate willed and Amul'Sharar made his call. And his proclamation reverberated between the heavens, and the godlings came on foot and mounted; they came from every distant peak and deep ravine; they came from every unknown darkness and blinding light. And some did not arrive, and some perished upon arrival, and some perished though yet they lived. And some fought amongst themselves, and some stood aside and watched, and some sought to save what could not be saved. And from the seeds of discord was a little unity born, and the hand of Fate seized it, and the Universe was born anew. And the end was no longer the end. And the beginning had been left far behind. And the godlings created Galbar. And Logos created Arcon. And Zephyrion created djinnkind. And Toun created hainkind. And mankind was crafted by Logos, and brought to Galbar by Illunabar. And Reathos created the Pronobii. And along with Lifprasil were the Lifprasilians born. And there were Wyrms. And there were Ants. And there were Sentinal Spiders. And there were Deepwood Sloths. And there were Emerald Striders. And there were Rainbow Silkies. And there were Fleet-Footed Manglers. And there were Brush Beasts. And there were Feathered Slouches. And there were Pearskin Cattle. And there were Tender Birb. And there were Common Seapigs. And there were Orbs. And there were Wisps. And there were Stripe-Faced Aphids. And there were Nectar Blushes. And there were Violet Slugs. And there were Duster Oozes. And there were Marble-eyed Gargoyles. And there were Ashlings. And there were White Giants. And there were Frondy Walruses. And there were Barnacle Hexetaceans. And there were Demons. And there were Nocti. And there were Seabed Tyrants. And there were Fortress Reefbacks. And there were Angels. And there were Realta. And there were Desert Ghosts. And there were Parasitic Buzzards. And there were Dirigible Cloudwhales. And there were Mottled Skyrays. And there were Onyx Phantoms. And there were Riverland Horntails. And there were Tower Siphons. And there were Riverland Thanes. And there were Rovaick. And there were Crocody Doggles. And there were Spider Oxes. And there were Monitors of the Mahd. And there were accidents three: Esau, Allure...Sveiand the Writhe. And there were Treeminds. And there were Quara Korala. And there were Chronos Skilk-Spiders. And there were Snow Wolves. And there were Snow Bears. And there were Dov. And there were Earthen Bears. And there were Haraktati. And there were Urtelem. And there were Fiberlings. And there were Sculptors. And there were Needle Fae. And there were Pack-Minds. And there were Cursed. And there were Marionnettes.[/i] [And the Hexahedron goes on to name the rest of created life. This is followed by all fauna, which is followed by the names of each individual in existence and who has ever existed, and a detailed summation, by the hour, of their life. This is then followed by a summation of every creation which is not alive, how it was created and all that occurred to it between the moment of creation and the moment of destruction- or of it continues to exist, what may occur to it. The infinite futures are then detailed, though each individual is only capable of seeing a limited number.] [i]And godlings died. And godlings perished. And there was theft. And there was murder. And there was tyranny. And there was war.[/i][/quote]