[@Vec][@Ghost Queen][@Vocab][@Thecrash20][@Silver Carrot][@KiritoAsuna][@HueMan][@Legion02][@Mogwar][@LazyEgg][@Caits] Ok, so as of right now 11 people have shown interest. This is a role call, please tell me if you're still interested! Also, there will be a delay in posting the OOC, so you have until it's posted, 2-3 days, to say you're in. I won't save spots after posting the OOC unless you verify in the Interest Check you want in still. I'm not sure if a much larger group will work, so I'll probably limit it at 10-15 people(I hope that still isn't to many....) Those who verify will get first dibs on spots. If the roleplay does take off I'll probably re-open admission.