[center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/9e524ca1e221c839f8ef7ab9fdd86462315d5734/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f443835445659482e6a7067[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sophie%20Blackthorn%20&name=Art%20Brewery.ttf&size=100&style_color=00A6FF[/img] [color=00aeef][b] Location:[/b][/color] the party [color=00aeef][b] Interacting with:[/b][/color] Jack [@gowia][/center][hr][hr] Sophie laughed softly as the DJ retaliated in a programmatic melody. She noticed how he had changed up the music and to tried to match it with her tune while keeping it fast paced enough for the others to dance to. However, Sophie was going to have to refuse the DJ's proposal and she was going to it with style, by throwing him for another loop. She backed away, further into the darkness, yet had a method for her "madness". The cliff's natural acoustics; she was going to use them to elevate her voice. She took another deep breath. [color=00aeef]"Naughty little prince, sitting on the throne. This choas, this calamity, this garden, once so perfect! Give your immortality to me; I'll hang you up among the stars!"[/color] Sophie sang back then paused. However, when she sang, the natural acoustics of the cliff created an echo effect that made her voice echo and become much louder than before. Not only that, but her singing had changed from playful, to slightly aggressive and pleading, yet still held a ghostly tone, and her tune had changed completely. [color=00aeef]"Who shot that arrow in your throat, who missed the crimson apple? And there's discord in the garden tonight! A songbird like me up on your regal perch, would certainly be a sin! Come fly with me!"[/color] Sophie then finally fell silent and awaited what the "little prince" had to say next in their little game of music.