[hider=The Asivar Theocracy] [center][h1]The Asivar Theocracy[/h1][/center] [h2]Species[/h2] [b]The Asiv[/b] - Every religion has its gods. For the Asivar Theocracy, those are the Asiv. They are the leaders, founders, and guides of the Asivar Theocracy. Serving as beacons of the Faith. They gather the other species' belief for to turn it into actual power. They can be considered gods. Should everyone stop believing they are, they have no power and die. But that is nigh-impossible to happen. centuries of indoctrination has cemented the Asiv so deep within the minds of the people that should the Asiv die, civil strife would be so great that every other species is plunged in chaos. The Asiv have no physical body. Instead, they exist as hyper-intelligent constructs of pure energy. They remain on machines named "Golden Thrones" from where they rule, control or show their power. These Golden Thrones enhance the absorption of Faith, but also serve as relays of the power of the Asiv. [b]The Umbeliar[/b] - Physical representations of the Asiv, or so many claim. The Umbliar are bipedal creatures with 2 arms commonly standing over 2 meters in height. Their triple jointed legs give them an edge in running speed. They only have 3 fingers, each the same amount of degrees away from the other. They can hold things but not like most humans (as they don't really have a thumb). Umbeliar are the great warriors and champions of the Asiv. They can harness the Faith Energy better than any other race, save from the Asiv themselves. This kept them high in all ranks. [b]The Surrear[/b] - The most common "plebs" of the Theocracy. Quad-pedaled insect-like creatures with 2 arms. They rarely grow over 1.7m. Most are genetically engineered to fulfill certain roles in the Theocracy. Natural mutation and development is branded as heresy and evil. For only the true gods (the Asiv) may create living beings. Surrear are neither strong nor particularly intelligent. But work instinctively together to overcome obstacles. [b]The Yvuïn[/b] - A strange, recently discovered race with an aptitude for the Faith Energy similair to the Umbeliar. The Yvuïn are human-like but with small crystal formations on their back. Upon discovery they were still in a medieval time period. Now they serve as proud guardians and warriors for the Asivar Theocracy. Their worship produces massive quantities of Faith Energy so the Asiv are very happy with the new race. The Umbeliar? Not so much. But they cannot deny the species' advantages to the Theocracy. [h2]Goverment[/h2] At the head are the Asiv. While all Asiv are equal, some prefer to leave the civil matters to others and dedicate themselves in other fields. Still, all Asiv are welcome in the Divine Throne Council. Where all major civil matters are discussed. While, again, all Asiv are equal, some demand more respect than others. The eldest, often slumbering, sometimes rouse in times of potential crisis or great opportunity. Their words are considered to be the words of aeons of knowledge and experience. Should an Elder speak, his council is almost always honored. The Umbeliar often control the executive powers. Simply put, what the Divine Throne Council says, the Umbeliar command and the Surrear and the Yvuïn do. [h2]Society[/h2] All live in the belief that the Asiv are gods. Every waking day is spent either honoring them through prayers in the temples or through hard work on the fields or the factories. Common Surrear will probably never leave their home planet. They live with nothing too much but nothing too little. Constantly grateful that their bellies are full and minds and souls are pure. These simple creatures desire nothing more. The Umbeliar desire power over everything. They are gathered in Houses, dedicated to an Asiv. For example: the House of Thornthegar has 1.598 Umbeliar as members, whom can each siphon Thronthegar's Faith Energy on demand. These houses vie for constant power and try to take it from the others. While this is not frowned upon by their gods, certain measures (like assassination) are. Though certain Asiv may secretly allow it. Umbeliar are beyond a doubt arrogant and vain. The Asiv are eternal creatures of energy that want nothing more than the entire universe collectively bowing to them. They stand above petty things like war or anger. Saying those are mere distractions towards the light. The Asiv have no doubt that all species in the universe will see the light, their light. Even if it must take aeons. What stands appart from all of these are the Yvuïn. Honorable warriors, the Yvuïn are blindly faithful to the Umbeliar and the Asiv. Every curious to the limits of the Faith Energy, the Yvuïn have set on to be the first race to discover its true depth. They believe that the Faith Energy is closely tied to a deep understanding of the universe and the eternal cosmic dance. [h2]Military[/h2] [h3]Ground forces[/h3] [b]Orders of Templehaven[/b] Templehaven is the capital of Faith use. All those with an innate talent for the art are sent to its mighty academies on the lush, Gaia planet. Only buildings and institutions that work directly with Faith use are to be built on the ground. So it is literally heaven for those researching and training in the use of the strange energy. The Orders of Templehaven are many and encompass a large scope of duties. Some are guards to the Umbeliar ambassadors, others must perform active combat duties. As you may have guest, Orders of Templehaven utilize Faith users exclusively. [b]Yvuïn Knight Groups[/b] Yvuïn, noble and strong, formed Knight Groups to act as marines onboard of fleets. They are the first to enter the fray and the last to get out. Knights use a mixture of Faith driven weapons. Mostly plasma or railguns. Though some Knight groups have taken to only recruit former members of an Templehaven Order. These orders take pride in melee combat. With thick shields and impressive speed they swiftly bridge distances. While the Umbeliar initially saw these Knight Groups as foolish, their efficiency in battle against rebels was unparalleled. In recognition of their skill these Knights were placed in Noble Knight Groups. To separate them from the others. Now technology is advancing further and further. With implants aiding in Faith use to effectively turn Noble Knights into pure energy for short periods of time. Allowing them to charge forward at incredibly speed. At the cost of their barrier though. [b]Surrear Military[/b] A mixture of marines and army, the Surrear are not meant for battle individually. Instead they rely on heavy numbers to overwhelm the enemy. Their biggest weakness is no doubt their dependence on Faith Engines within their army. As Yvuïn and Umbeliar can defend themselves temporary with their innate connection to Faith, Surrear depend on machines. This has driven them to be very vehicle orientated. While Surrear grunts are not an uncommon sight, mostly you’ll see them controlling mechs, walkers or ranks. [h3]Space forces[/h3] [hider=Small space crafts] [center][b]Emissary Interceptor-Fighter[/b] [img]http://static.eclypsia.com/uploads/media/raceSc2/0001/05/thumb_4470_raceSc2_normal.png[/img] The Emissary is often the first sign of a Crusader Fleet arriving. It is a multi-purpose aircraft capable of interception, aerial and space combat. As well act as escort and scout ships. They have a small [i]Enlightenment Engine[/i] that allows them to make minor warp jumps. The true danger of the Emissary is it's [i]Void drive[/i]. New, experimental technology that lets certain crafts jump very limited distances. In essence, they can blink. In a dogfight, it can suddenly blink out and appear right behind you. The Emissary is armed with 2 small [i]Faith Energy Projectors[/i] (or FEPs) which shoot homing bolts of energy. A pilot, when controlling an Emissary, has a synergetic bond with the [i]Faith Engine[/i] inside the ship. Should he desire so, he can pull more Faith Energy from his sworn Asiv and enter an Overdrive State where he can launch an incredible amount of bolts in a short time at the expense of his shield. After exiting the Overdrive State the Faith Engine but recharge. In other words, it leaves the ship entirely vulnerable. [b]Seer Recon Probe[/b] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8ru92ec_b1Y/UOu86y4rG1I/AAAAAAAAC74/PbNiPPWkmYw/s320/Protoss_Oracle.jpg[/img] The Seer Recon Probe is often used for long distance observation and reconnesence vehicle. Often mentally controlled by a Seermaster back on a bigger ship, these probes are sent to solar systems with the potential of life. Either to observe it or to deems a planet right for colonization. Further, it is sent to a colony's neighboring solar systems to find resources. The Seer Recon Probe is unarmed but is outfitted with a strong [i]Enlightenment Engine[/i], as well as sublight [i]Messenger Engines[/i] to traverse the solar system swiftly. The Seer's Eyes sensor array functions literally as the ears and eyes of the Seermaster controlling it. While not yet used, every Seermaster has something called the Shadow Protocol. Dictating that should they encounter another space faring civilization they would warp out immediately out of the system. [b]Deliverance bomber[/b] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6gqZ2s4H5g8/UOuuCwd4KxI/AAAAAAAAC2o/s1JU0v7sAa8/s1600/Protoss_Tempest.jpg[/img] The Deliverance bomber is exactly what it is. It flies in and is generally used to do as much damage in a single strike. Unlike the Emissary it has no Void Drive. It does have an [i]Enlightenment Engine[/i] and a very strong [i]Faith Engine[/i] powering a [i]Singularity Forge[/i]. The forge creates a singularity of Faith Energy capable of melting through most armours and overload most shield generators in a few good hits and releases this as a bomb against the enemy. Should a pilot ever feel so inclined, he can sacrifice his own life and the Deliverance Bomber to create a massive, uncontrolled singularity. Fed by the ship's [i]Faith Drive[/i] and [i]Enlightenment Engine[/i] the singularity grows massive in size for a moment, consuming every particle (like a black hole) in its path. Leaving nothing behind. Though this sort of suicidal behavior has never been seen so far. [b]Gate Transport Craft[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KNUW6.png[/img] One of the only vehicles of the Asivar Theocracy to not have an Enlightenment engine. The Gate Transport Craft has but one use: to arrive at a destination and setup a temporary [i]Warp Gate[/i] allowing forces to either get on the enemy's ship or on the ground. The Gate Transport Craft in itself does not carry troops. Instead, they stand ready on a larger craft for the gate to open. Should the Gate Transport Craft be destroyed, the [i]Warp Gate[/i] is cut off and no more reïnforcements can step through it. [/center][/hider] [hider=Large Ships] Most ships are designed by the Asiv, thus most of the fleet are Asiv ships housing several thousands of crewmembers, each of the 4 different races. Some Asiv ships, like the Prophet-class are too small for the current Asivs and are therefor entirely controlled by Umbeliar, Yvuïn and Surrear. Yvuïn ships are specifically fitted to only house Umbeliar and Yvuïn. They are designed by the Yvuïn with only space battle in mind. While the Asiv ships still house rows of auxilary and utility systems, the Yvuïn Throne- and Seraphim-class do not. [center][b]Asiv ships[/b] [i]Prophet-class Battleship[/i] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/4/41/MothershipCore_SC2-HotS_Art1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140512003458[/img] [i]Hero-class Battlecruiser[/i] [img]http://lowko.tv/wp-content/uploads/protoss-build-order.jpg[/img] [i]Beholder-class battlecruiser[/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/59/ab/cd59ab10131219407898b95d97775088.jpg[/img] [i]Smite-class Dreadnought[/i] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/bd4f/f/2013/310/0/5/053dcaee66a461758936892b40ec6696-d5fbdk9.jpg[/img] [i]Asivar-class Dreadnought[/i] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/d7a6/f/2015/325/7/a/adun_by_lothuss-d9hkxko.jpg[/img] [b]Yvuïn ships[/b] [i]Throne-class Battlecruiser[/i] [img]http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120326173632/masseffect/images/e/e8/WA_AsariCruiser.png[/img] [i]Seraphim-class Dreadnought[/i] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/e/e8/DestinyAscensionFlyby.png/revision/latest?cb=20091227112422[/img] [/center] [/hider] [h2]Technology[/h2] [b]Faith[/b] Faith is the very basis of everything Asivar. It is a mystical power, generated by the common belief and prayer of so far every creature encountered by the Asiv and their minions. Faith is generated through worship. Passive worship works by common, daily belief that all Asiv are gods. This generates a steady but low flow of Faith towards all Asiv out there. Active worship is active prayer towards the Asiv or an Asiv in specific. If you worship with no particular Asiv in mind, the generated Faith is split between all Asiv in existence. Though more Faithful servants (mostly the Yvuïn and the Umbeliar) have mastered a way to worship a specific Asiv. As well as to personally bind themselves to this Asiv without the use of a Personal Faith Drive (though this is still mostly used to enhance natural ability). Faith can be turned into a variety of energies to be used in machines. But pure Faith drained from an Asiv can be utilized by those biologically capable enough. These users of Faith go by many different names and titles, even in the military. A common trait among Faith Users is the ability to create physical barriers and throw energy bolts that seem to be equal to lasers (although these bolts can even bend or change direction mid-air). Very talented Faith Users are able to use very hard skills named Miracles. [b]Faith Drives[/b] The very basis of all technology of the Asivar Theocracy. Faith Drives are bio-cybernetically programmed to link with one Asiv. Draining required Faith for machines from the linked Asiv. Faith Drives also hold a rather large reserve of Faith in case the link is severed. Small ships often only require small Faith Drives, though the larger the ship, the exponentionally larger the Faith Drive must be. This works in the advantage of military personel, who can easily outfit various machines, as well as their own troops easily with Faith Drives. But this makes the creation of medium-sized ships like cruisers and destroyers quite hard. [b]Void Drive[/b] Experimental technology that so far has only been able to be outfited on small ships for two reasons. One, the Void drive is lethal to be used in gravity wells. Even in orbit it offers problems. Secondly, so far fighters are the only ships small enough so the Void drive doesn't need to be large but large enough so it can actually carry the Void Drive. Void Drives allow for short distant but instant teleportation between two points in space. [b]Enlightement Engine[/b] The Warp Drive of the Asiv. Once again, an Enlightement Engine grows exponentionally larger. Making it difficult to outfit it in medium-size ships. Enlightmenet Engines use massive amounts of Faith and thus often need to recharge after a jump. With the exception of Seer Probes. Who hold enough reserve energy to make a double jump incase of a Shadow Protocol activiation. Enlightement Engines require a moment to warm up and jump, but have the advantage that they are completely untouched by gravity (in other words they can perfectly jump out of gravity wells and orbit). [b]Faith Energy Projectors[/b] The main armement of every vehicle of the Asivar Theocracy. FEPs are mechanized versions of Faith Users. Allowing the manipulation of Faith into combat effective shapes like bolts. With the Belief Interface of a pilot these bolts can often be guided. FEPs can be very dangerous should an pilot be overzealous. As the Belief Interface is dependant on power from the Faith Drive, which can get exhausted. Leaving the pilot burned out. [b]Messenger Engines[/b] Superlight engines powered by Faith. These engines are often used to cross several light-minutes or hours to nearby systems. Messenger Engines are so far only outfitted in large ships and Seer Probes. They aren't big, nor do they require much faith. But the mechanism behind takes long to create. Thus it is often left out from most ships. [b]Warp Gates[/b] The ancestor to the Void Drive, the Warp Gate acts like a two-way door from one focal point to another. Letting matter transport instanteniously from one place to another. Warp Gates require an exact framework which, upon even the slightest of damage, could collapse on itself. Warp Gates are entirely without gravity, thus posing no problem what so ever to the enviroment. [h2]History[/h2] Will be added. [/hider]