[@KRIEEEG] [color=ed1c24]"The closest thing I can remember was having a conversation with a spider about going for a contract I had with a man named Yashar... then our local powerhouse of our group tried to... kill... the... spider... and I got in the way..."[/color] Stride felt his neck, and then remembered his past and began retelling it. [color=ed1c24]"Have you ever been to the Elven-Human region? Down south in that region was my hometown, and it was strictly against the intermingling of races and the babies they made. I had a bad roll and this happened, and I was haunted by everyone for it. Constant plaguing with life about how I was never going to be helpful and how I was just doomed and to be killed..."[/color] Stride's eyes teared up at these thoughts. He wiped his eyes as he gulped a bit of the beer down. [color=ed1c24]"I went to a college for magical aptitude, and began to excel to the top of my class at it. During this time, I was aloof of a war that caused death to countless humanlike races and monsters alike. I felt like I had to choose a side after this war, and I went to the monsters. It seemed right because of how I was treated like a kid, an abomination, so I imagined I could relate to them about it. My first day in town, I heard a man call for assistance, claiming there were countless riches to be rewarded. I went to his tower in the town, and touched one of his staves he kept in his room where he did business. I was cursed to drool excessively, and I'm glad that didn't carry over here into this place."[/color] Another swig of beer was had, as Stride kept speaking. [color=ed1c24]"Later, after we settled as a small group on this quest, I tried to recruit a spider for our group, and the resident Orc of our squad was afraid of spider, so he tried killing it with a swift blow of his axe. I got in the way, trying to save the life of the spider. Unfortunately, I think my head was taken off as a result."[/color] Stride put his cards down on the table, and began to look at the man in front of him. [color=ed1c24]"To answer your final 2 questions, I'd love a second chance to go back and be with this group. Honestly, even though one of them killed me, I'd like to think that's a good trait for him, and I want to think of whoever's on this team as a brother... and that ogre was nice. As for who you are... hm... I'd say you were Death, am I assuming correct?"[/color]