Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- After eating their breakfast, Ssarak and Meirin headed fairly quickly to Lucilia’s office to receive their briefing on the mission. As expected, it followed from what they had learned on their previous mission, and they would have quite a few responsibilities this time. Attending both a gala and a coronation; potentially preventing an assassination, and solving some other undescribed problem. Then, after all of that, they would need to prepare for a small war against demons. Certainly, it was all drastically different from the guard duty they had last time. This type of political mission was, at the very least, well-suited for a skilled psychomancer, so he would still be in his element for these tasks. Ssarak’s more immediate concerns turned to his preparations for the mission. His own wardrobe was distinctly lacking in any real variety, much less anything that would be appropriate for either a gala or coronation, so he had to make use of Lucilia’s voucher. He needed to tailor his appearance to what would most impress the Baron and his court, which ended up being a stranger outfit than he had imagined. Evidently, among Djarkel’s ruling class, there was resistance to any sort of fashion that seemed too “safe.” They respected an appearance that was bold, visually interesting, and even outlandish. The average suits and dresses would not be enough to impress Djarkel nobility, so he and the other diplomats would need to be creative in their attire. After receiving advice from both Lucilia and Meirin, Ssarak settled on something completely divergent from his normal style. It had a bright violet shirt with a tight silver waistband, open at the chest and back, along with a pair of tight-fitting silk pants. It also had a belt, though its only real functionality was to hide his dagger. In addition to new clothes, Ssarak also purchased a simple tabard bearing the symbol of the College to wear over his armor at other points during the mission. He did not want to give off the appearance of being a simple mercenary, so wearing something bearing the insignia of the College would make him seem more ‘official.” Though he was a warrior, he was also meant to be a diplomat in this case, and in diplomacy, appearances were half the battle. Otherwise, Ssarak stocked up on as many of the usual basic supplies as he could carry. He wasted no space, as he would prefer to have a surplus of supplies than a shortage in the event of an emergency. It was shortly before nightfall that Ssarak made his way to the carriages, fully armed and armored. He had his new clothing packed tightly away in the center of his bags for their protection due to their value. He was not wearing his tabard either, since he would not need it until they were in Djarkel. This time, he and the other students would be the primary cargo instead of trade goods, so there was plenty of room for them in the carriages.