Name: Maxwell "Max" Hudson Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Max is a tall and lean young man standing at 5'10". He lives an active lifestyle, and has a toned, physically fit body to show for it. He has a fair complexion, and his face is free of blemishes and facial hair. His blonde hair appears to be longer on the top than it is on the sides. His hair seems to go in many different directions. It looks messy, but he likes it that way, claiming that it adds character to his look. He has a round, boyish face with wide eyes that are a deep shade of blue. Max is physically fit, and has an athletic toned, physique, that he developed from all the travelling he's done, and he enjoys showing it off. His taste in clothes is pretty simple. You would never know he comes from a rich family if you looked at his clothing choices. His favorite outfit consists of a blue form fitting tank top, and a purple cotton hoodie over it if it's cold enough. On the bottom, he wears a pair of blue jeans held up by a black belt with a metal buckle, and simple grey sneakers on his feet. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Region of Origin: Johto City of Origin: Blackthorn City History: Max Hudson was born and raised in Blackthorn City where he has spent most of his life. His father was a Dragon Trainer, as was just about everyone else in the city. He was a strict man, and had high expectations for his son. He had a low tolerance for failure, and Max was disciplined harshly when the expectations were not met. His father had always wanted his boy to follow in his footsteps, and become a Dragon Trainer. From the moment Max could walk and talk, he pushed that dream onto him. He was trained to become a Dragon Tamer, just like the other boys. His mother didn't agree on what her husband was doing. She felt Max should be allowed to decide for himself what he wants to do with his life, but the man wouldn't have any of it. Max hated Dragon Training. He wouldn't mind owning a Dratini or something if it weren't forced onto him. Max preferred cute Pokemon like Clefairy and Togepi. Regardless, he stayed with it in order to please his strict father. He also didn't agree with his father's ideas about how a man should act, but he kept his mouth shut, but resentment slowly started to build.  Growing up, Max always had an interest in art. He was often doodling in his school notes when he should have been paying attention in class. While he excelled in art classes, he wasn't good in Math, and was average everywhere else. His mother encouraged his artistic talents, but his father chastised them. Claiming that art was for sissies. Naturally, Max was always closer to his mother than he was with his father. At the age of ten, Max's father gave his son a Gible for his tenth birthday. A rarity in Johto, no one else had one, everyone usually got a Dratini as their starter. Max hated the thing. It was disobedient and unruly. After a few days of owning it, he wound up trading it away to some other kid for an Eevee behind his father's back. Of course, his dad eventually found out about this, and he was livid. An argument ensued that ended with Max running away from home. He was going to prove to his father that he could do well using the kind of Pokemon he liked. He would challenge the Gyms of the region, starting with Blackthorn Gym. He knew he would have to do a lot of training before he was ready to take on Clair. During his travels, he and his traded Eevee bonded quickly. He also caught a Marill and a Clefairy, and he got an free egg from the Day Care center that hatched into a Togepi. And then something strange happened. The day before he was about to fight Clair, his Eevee suddenly evolved. Not into an Espeon, but into some pink thing with bows. He had never seen this Pokemon before, but he still thought it was the most adorable Pokemon he had ever seen! He used this new Pokemon, which called herself Sylveon, in his match against the Gym Leader. He won with surprising ease. All of his Pokemon were immune to her Dragon type attacks. Clair accused him of cheating, and refused to give him the badge. Which pissed the boy off greatly. At some point, he met a Pokemon researcher who heard about his battle with Clair. He told him all about the recently discovered Fairy type, and that all his Pokemon belonged to this type. Max was excited to hear about this. Cute Pokemon that were able to defeat monstrous Dragons? Yes please! From that day on, his ultimate goal was to become the best Fairy Trainer ever, and spite his father. He went on to get four of the Johto Gym Badges using nothing but Fairy type Pokemon. Including the the Rising Badge he rightfully deserved, and the Minneral Badge. (Which was a difficult battle, and the reason why his Togetic knows Flamethrower.) After beating Jasmine, an official looking man gave him a full scholarship to the Pokemon Trainer's Academy. He happily accepted thinking it would be a good opportunity to meet people, and become a better Pokemon Trainer. Personality: Max is a cheerful, optimistic guy who doesn't like to be bogged down with unpleasant thoughts. He enjoys laughing and making jokes with others, even in inappropriate situations. He is easygoing and friendly, which makes it easy for him to befriend people. He is really good at understanding other people's emotions, and is an emotional guy himself. He is not embarrassed to show his feelings. He cries when he is sad, and is openly affectionate towards those he cares for. He is driven more by his emotions than logic, and tends to act impulsively as a result. He does not think about how his actions affect others until it is too late, and winds up feeling bad about it afterwards if something goes wrong.  Max is very sensitive, and is willing to be a shoulder to cry on, and give you some words of encouragement when you are down. It is very easy to get him to like you, and once he is your friend he will remain your friend for life. He will keep your secrets a secret, and will do what he thinks is best for you. When something bothers him, he will keep that to himself for fear of hurting someone's feelings. For him, hurt feelings hurt worse than a hurt body. If there's one thing Max can't stand, it's being forced to do something he doesn't like. Trying to control him is the fastest way to get him upset. When he gets upset, he will lash out. Max is a creative individual. His favorite pastime is drawing and painting, and he often be found dooding in a sketch book when he has free time. In addition to his creative pursuits, he enjoys Video Games, Anime, and other things that most would consider geeky. He also has an affinity for cute things. Max doesn't care for sports all that much, after being forced to participate in them for so long. After spending years being scared of his father, and finally getting out of that situation, he has had enough of being concerned what other people thought about him. He is going to be himself, and if you don't like it, that's your problem not his. Battle Theme: [url=]Happy[/url] Etc: Pokemon Species: Sylveon Nickname: Cinderella Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: Cinderella is a cool, calm, and collected Pokemon. She does not get upset easily, and she is cool and calculating at all times. She does not allow bad things to bring her down. She is not cold and hearltless though, and she has grown to care for the other Pokemon. Despite technically being the youngest, she is considered the team mom by the other Pokemon. Notable Moves: Wish, Heal Bell, Protect, Hyper Voice Species: Clefairy Nickname: Aurora Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: Aurora is a diva, and expects to be the center of attention at all the times, and she gets upset when she isn't. Max takes very good care of her, which has made her a spoiled and prissy Clefairy. She is a proud and confident Pokemon. She hates being dirty, and gets upset when the slightest amount of dirt touches her beautiful fur. While she acts calm and graceful, she is rather vicious in battle. Notable Moves: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Sing Species: Togetic Nickname: Belle Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: : Belle is a hyperactive and silly Pokemon, and is the youngest of the group. She is often bouncing off the walls and always seems to happy about everything. Except for Cinderella, the other Pokemon find her constant cheeriness annoying, but she doesn't seem to care. She is considered the annoying younger sister by everyone else. Notable Moves: Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam, Flamethrower, Roost Species: Marill Nickname: Ariel Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: Ariel is very boastful, and walks with chest puffed out in order to look intimidating. Ariel is serious when it comes to battles and she’s very competitive. She hates to lose, and will refuse to admit defeat even when he's not in any condition to battle. He refuses to accept any kind of help from humans and at times, even other Pokemon. Which means Andre usually has to force feed him Potions when he's hurt. Notable Moves: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Bulldoze, Waterfall