[hider=Chiyoe no Kurushime] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8c/97/1f/8c971f932129b2f37864caa41be6b4df.jpg[/img] [h3][color=9e0039][u]Name:[/u][/color][/h3] Chiyoe no Kurushime "Tormented Thousand Generations" [h3][color=9e0039][u]Age:[/u][/color][/h3] 47 in human years, but rather young for an oni [h3][color=9e0039][u]Race:[/u][/color][/h3]Nure Onago, a Nure Onna [h3][color=9e0039][u]Gender:[/u][/color][/h3] Female [h3][color=9e0039][u]Appearance:[/u][/color][/h3] [hider=How the Artists Render Her][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0c/71/b4/0c71b495e460c78eb5434ae1adff6291.jpg[/img] [img]https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5300/116075328.261/0_1cb081_f40f1a9b_XXL.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3][color=9e0039][u]Weapon(s):[/u][/color][/h3] [hider=A dagger called Saigo or Last Breath][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e1/71/6f/e1716f4b2a7576af6f9f5c1168a37f7a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=9e0039][u]Class:[/u][/color] [b]Mage[/b] - Masters of the mystical arts, mages are proficient in one elemental spell, but their skills with warrior weapons are very poor. [h3][color=9e0039][u]Bio:[/u][/color][/h3] She was born of sorrow like more Nure-onna are. For a child of her bloodline to live, their human father's lives must be taken in exchange. And this usually leads to contempt and bitterness to lie between mother and child. But not in the Kurushime women. For three generations the female oni have fallen in love with human males. And for three generations their lovers have been so enchanted with their beauty, so enraptured with their love and so loyally dedicated to their happiness that they have willingly given up their lives for the Kurushime women. And it was so exception on the night Chiyoe was born, a full moon as her mobile and the lapping lake waves as her lullaby. At first her mother could not stand the sight of her, for even one look at her daughter brought on fits of sobbing wailing cries. It was Chiyoe's grandmother who cared for her mostly in the every early years of her existence. For, sincerely, that was all it was. An existence. With no battles against humans to wage, the Nure-onna and their magics were abandoned. Living either in brothels or as mistresses to high officials, there was seldom a need for any other talents than their beauty. And, in her grief, Chiyoe's mother gave her body to a wealthy man, for his pleasure. The smiles that graced her mother's face were no more than those of a well painted mask. With the death of her father, her mother's love as gone with him. And Chiyoe was nurtured for by her grandmother, though her mother was indeed kind enough to ask her new master to let them live in their luxurious estate. So Chiyoe was not uncomfortable growing up, even though the other concubines' children never played with her, for fear of the oni blood in her veins. And there were often whispers of envy among the human women, since the Kurushime women were all youthful beauties that aged far too slowly and never seemed to get sick or come down with pox. But it was the men's eyes Chiyoe disliked most of all. Those leering eyes came from boys, guards, tutors, and even the lord of the manor. They all fell on her with heaviness and tried to worm their way into her nightmares. Leering eyes and lecherous gazes making her skin crawl as if she could fell their hands all over her... Her grandmother trained in the manners of a proper Nure-onna. To remain removed, aloof and distant from the terrible humans. To rise above their scorn and poisonous words. And to never lose herself to her magic. For an oni that harms a human is intolerable. [h3][color=9e0039][u]Special Ability:[/u][/color][/h3] Heavy magic spells over water +Drawing the water from plants to form mists to hide in or use as a sphere of protection [hider=magic][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/36/2d/9a/362d9a2f81a5d14a128db8849ce5a26c.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3][color=9e0039][u]Misc:[/u][/color][/h3] [hider=Her Grandmother And Her Mother][img]http://s018.radikal.ru/i525/1605/8a/15f092a0c345.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Artist Renderings of Her Kind][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/50/1b/50501b65a8414a8dd1fb816ebeaef88e.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/40/98/81/409881d34319a62731f8e43844827595.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/echigo-dojouji-haruyo-morita.jpg[/img][/hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJgd1j-iLrA[/youtube] ((i know it's in Chinese but it fits her perfectly)) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0NPL9tXW2k[/youtube] A song to find a lover to [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb7yhXrPfC4[/youtube] Traveling theme [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmHKQheMMoU[/youtube] All around theme [/center][/hider]