[quote=@poog the pig] I was planning on sparing Amartia from Lifprasil's anger, and letting him get his city back on its feet while Lifprasil takes care of the Realta. Unless Amartia wants to actually help. But he bullied Astarte, so that won't get him very far. [/quote] Honestly, my involvement in this rp has been mediocre at best. I just have to many ideas I want to execute, but I either smash them together and they come out as a jumbled mess, or a I just quit it all together. As of now, I looking to make a list of everything Amartía has and has done since his birth, and looking at what I can revamp and do better. Xerxes is at the top. Anyways, knowledge of Amartía actions wouldn't be known to anyone since Astarte has neglected to actually tell anyone about it. Xerxes will need some time to catch up and rebuild and all that. Which would be much appreciated.[@Antarctic Termite] is kinda helping me in that regard. Helping the Relta invasin though? Ya Amartía could help, he would most likely help in fact. You just have to be wary of Amartía's loyalties.