[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Witch Cat] [@Lady Amalthea] [@BlueSky44] [@Pundii] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr]A chill is present the next morning. Those remaining in Altsoba on June 21st have taken shelter, all in various locations. Some remain in their homes, holding tight to loved ones and praying to whatever spirits remain to spare their souls. Others tried their luck leaving town once more, only for their bodies, too, to be found piled up in the woods. A makeshift shelter has been set up in the Altsoba High Gym, with supplies from the Food Bank and other stores being used to sustain the survivors. The outside world continues to watch with horror, glued to the television set with each update from Altsoba. In fact, the National Guard had been deployed, sent to complete an investigation. Only a handful of them made it through the ensuing fray, among those few entering the town was former marine Aloise Mendoza. You've survived one day -- will you survive the next? [@Lady Amalthea]: The dog and Danica seem to get along just fine, the mangy mutt even licking her away in the morning. Its definitely warmed up to her, and as soon as the sun comes up, it begins to scratch and paw at the door. Its tag and collar jingle a bit as it does so frantically, with the determination and skill of a loyal creature hoping to save its master from an untimely fate. If Danica reads the address on the collar, she'll realize the dog's owner lives at Alistair Apartments--Ariana Byrd. Danica may recognize that John's last article before his death was about the Seattle Ghost Tours and that he interviewed a tour guide by the same name. [@Lady Amalthea]: Amy has a bit of a sleepless night. The phone continues to ring off the hook, yet whenever someone at the hospital would try to answer it, there would be no one there. An unsettling atmosphere has come over the hospital by morning, and despite all of the frantic calls from the previous day, the place is practically a ghost town. Dr. Sorreast comes in, a bit dazed and confused. She probably had a few too many to drink--don't exactly blame her, of course. Everyone had a rough night. [@Lady Amalthea]: Belladonna, given that her house is right next to the cemetery, likely has noticed a few things this lovely morning. The first is that her eldest daughter, Mercurial, still has yet to surface from her room. She's probably amusing herself with the guillotine she recently received, however. The second, of course, was the explosion from the night prior caused by Hansen and Amy. The third, and perhaps the most important, the absence of the ghost that used to haunt the house. The ghost, Countess Elisse, was usually at her most active in the morning. [@Pundii]: Sariel and Liam talk long into the night, the angel occasionally getting up and walking to the door, before returning as if nothing was wrong. Throughout their conversations, Liam will learn about how there can only be one Prophet at a time, and that they are able to see what is yet to come. She, an archangel, has been designated to protect him from harm. However, Sariel doesn't talk much about the other angels. A certain sadness falls upon her whenever the subject comes up. [@BlueSky44]: Zachary doesn't get any time to sleep tonight. The 911 calls just doesn't stop, sending the sheriff all over the small town. One of them is from the warden, the poor old man is freaking out. Another is from the leader of the makeshift shelter, and yet another is from a resident, talking about a fire on Grant Road and yet another in the cemetery. Pick his poison, but as the sun rises in the sky, Zachary's still got more work to do. [@BlueSky44]: While the cops may not have time for rambling old women, they do seem to have time for Katsumi. As she leaves Forgotten Relics and makes her way back to her accommodations, a squad car picks her up and takes her to Altsoba High. There, she's checked in and given a sleeping bag, as well as some rations. There are some other children there her age, most of them seem to be a bit shaken up. Some of them are whispering too, about how Daniyal had been caught up in the action at Town Center the day before, but no one had heard from him since. [@Nallore]: As Samantha heads to Jake's, she'll notice a few things. The entire place is surrounded with a makeshift blockade, a woman and her dog are patrolling the area, and the restaurant doors are covered in crime scene tape. Special Agent Scarlett Warrington is in charge of this crime scene, but she lacks the staff to do much. There's hardly anyone there to help her, seems the agent must be hated by the Altsoba PD or they just have more pressing issues to deal with. Either way, this could be the scoop Samantha needs! [@Witch Cat]: Sylvia sleeps fairly well, considering the events of that day. Her spirit guide doesn't pester her, letting the poor witch get some much needed beauty sleep. However, she's woken up by the sound of scratching and barking at a door down the hall. If she goes out to investigate, she'll find the dog is inside of Danica's room, and Sylvia will have a strange premonition about this creature. Its seen something that it shouldn't have. [@Witch Cat]: Eudora isn't bothered during the night. The police have bigger fish to fry, and Eudora manages to do her thing, wandering the abandoned and desolate streets of Altsoba. Around daybreak, an incessant meow will get her attention. A ginger tabby, missing one of its legs, is yowling at her fiercely. The poor thing's owners must have fled the previous day, leaving it all by itself. [center][b][color=00ccff]<>[/color][/b] [color=00ccff] Amy Chang - Paranormal Remedies (General) Danica Graves - Basic Knowledge of the Supernatural (General) Liam Matthews - Visions (General) Zachary Carpenter - Investigation (General) Katsumi Mitsukuri - Intimidation (General) Howard Brighton - Blade (Angel) (Combat) Darren Andrews - Knowledge of the Book of Revelations (General) Samantha Hunter - Survival Instincts (General) Sylvia Strange - Deduction (General)[/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h1][color=#339933]Jade Cornish[/color][/h1][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/JxdphkOAsDHwc/200.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVHdv4QJjXk]What's Dead Should Stay Dead[/url] Location: The Morgue[/center][hr]In life, Jade had always been one to joke about having a suite reserved for her in hell. She would imply that she was at some status of royalty there, in order to hide the actual demons that haunted her. And while hell had little in common with Dante's depiction of it, the pain had been a familiar one. The darkest moments of her life, constantly replayed without any hope of respite. Her father, forcing himself upon her, time and time again. That was what happened to Jade Cornish when she died, when Adriana pulled the trigger and claimed her life. She didn't go to heaven. She went to hell, not to burn, but to be destroyed over and over again. She went to hell to be remade, just so that way she could be torn apart. Time in hell didn't pass as slowly as on Earth, either. An hour on Earth was five days in hell. It had been over twenty days already for her, and in hell, she didn't have access to her medications. Her demons were no longer confined to the shadows. [color=339933]"Please...stop..."[/color] Jade whispered weakly, entirely and utterly broken from the torture. She found herself on a slab of cool metal, clad in nothing but a sheet. Blood stained parts of it, and surrounding her in the room were other corpses. But rather than get up and look around, Jade remained still. She had given up fighting the demons long ago. If they were going to hurt her, she would let them. [color=339933]"Get it over with,"[/color] Jade said, lying her head back, as she closed her eyes. She braced herself, waiting for the familiar pain. Everyday, she remembered the foolishness that had claimed her life. Sometimes, she wondered if she had imagined the entire affair, using it as a way to escape the viciousness forced upon her each and every day. Only the slight flickering of the lights replied to her.[hr][hr][h1][center][color=FA5858]Howard Brighton[/color][/center][/h1][center] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/16a143b316b2d2d5e1db6166a1e24017/tumblr_inline_o4bt4fokA31rfmocr_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Number 1 Grant Road[/center][hr][hr]Howard rolled over in his sleep, the laptop in front of him slowly playing Netflix. He had managed to keep it going for a few hours, giving the archaeology professor some much needed distractions. The entire day had been incredibly bizarre for him, and he couldn't help but imagine the impact it would have on history. Watching the inmate girls and their drama appealed to him greatly, as he could be removed from it, hardly interacting with other people. [color=FA5858]"I'm sorry, but there are no extensions...I don't care your grandmother got cancer..."[/color] Howard muttered, before turning over again. The angel blade, knocked by his hand, fell to the ground. His veins had turned a rather dark and sickly shade, yet the man continued to sleep on, oblivious to the infection that managed to defy all odds and run through his body after all. If he didn't notice, he'd only have days left. Of course, the intro theme of his show tended to disagree--it kept insisting that he still had time. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ffcc]Aloise Zamora[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d1cd683cabcb4142b618b11cf70cf92e/tumblr_inline_n9w5roGERJ1rwt71l.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Aunt Sue's Inn Interacting With: Liam [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr]Aloise clamored out of the yellow bug, letting out a yawn. She had been driving nonstop, and if there was anything she hated, it was that. The darkness had obscured a large portion of the road, and she spent a few hours once she arrived in town poking around the woods. Despite the remnants of a demon deal, she couldn't find much. The bodies were a given, similar to early paranormal events sighted in the town. She didn't care so much about the repeats as she did about the differences. [color=00ffcc]"Mr. Matthews? It's Aloise Mendoza,"[/color] Aloise announced, rapping on the door. She had managed to slip by Mrs. Hudson without getting into a large conversation, and she tugged slightly on her necklace as she waited. Meeting a client always was a bit of an interesting experience. The more they needed her help, she found, the less they seemed to want it. But if she could help this person, then it'd all be enough. She had been given a second chance at life for a reason. She wasn't going to waste it. [color=00ffcc]"You called me about a shapeshifter?"[/color] Aloise added, just in case the man forgot the reason he contacted her. It wouldn't have been the first time.