Marta saw Ezra flinch and she quickly removed her hand from his arm. Did she hurt him more? Was he disgusted by her touching him? Or has his experience he went through caused his nerves to constantly be on edge? Marta didn’t want to admit it, but she believed it was the latter. No one deserved to live a life of fear just because they believe something than someone else doesn't. What did it really matter? In reality, every person is only on this planet for a short period of time, why waste it by trying to tear down someone else? Marta’s eyes were swelling up more and more, and she felt a weight forming in her chest. She listened as Ezra explained that he was only in pain because of what has already happened to him. The mention of her watch, she glanced down and suddenly it felt like a thousand pounds on her wrist. How could she walk around with such a fine piece of jewelry, when so many people were struggling just to put food on the table. Marta felt so ashamed at that moment. Suddenly, she felt him take her hand, and was confused for a second, before her hand was touching the bare skin of his chest. Under normal circumstances, Marta would be freaking out internally; she was touching a boy’s skin. However, the current situation, Marta wasn’t even phased by it because the instant she felt the welts and raised skin of Ezra’s scars, nothing else mattered. The heat radiating off of them still present. Marta couldn’t explain the emotions forming deep inside her. She has never felt this much grief and despair before, especially towards a complete stranger. She saw Ezra beginning to shake, and let her arm be moved from his chest. She could tell he was reliving the moment, his face becoming distorted with pain and fear. Marta just sat there, feeling helpless. She wanted to take this boy’s pain away. She wanted him to forget what happened to him. But how can you forget something so horrific? Marta cannot even believe Ezra is still able to function normally-for the most part. She could tell he was coming out of his trance and saw him look at her. And the minute that tear left Ezra’s eyes, it was settled. Marta was going to do whatever she could for this boy. She didn’t know what that meant yet, and she knew he may never want to see her after this, but her gut was telling her to be there for him. Without knowing how uncomfortable this would make him, Marta reached up and wiped the tear that fell from Ezra’s eyes, being gentle as she could. Her hand lingered for a moment, before lowering it. She listened as he went on again about taking her home, and that he would even carry her, even though he was clearly in pain. How could a person who has been through what he has, still be so caring and sweet? And then his comment about him having no right to protect her, Marta felt like the air was knocked out of her chest. Curse this world. Curse the people who have done this to Ezra. Curse Hitler. At the moment though, getting home was the last thing Marta wanted to do. “Ezra” saying his name for the first time, and also realizing she hasn’t said her name, but it didn’t matter at the moment. “I wish there were a thousand ways I could right the wrong that has happened to you. No one deserves it, especially not someone as sweet and kind as you. I can only hope that you realize that I want nothing but happiness for you.” She didn’t know when she did it, but at some point during her little speech, she took Ezra’s hands into her soft, tiny hands. She said her part, though there were still a million thoughts crossing her mind, but she didn’t want to overwhelm the boy. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder above their heads. Marta glanced up and noticed for the first time the dark clouds forming. It was definitely going to rain any minute, but for now, Marta was only concerned about the boy sitting next to her, who she turned her full attention back to.