So yea. Title says most of it, but here's the details: Same universe as The Walking Dead, but absolutely, positively [b]no canon characters at all[/b]. Our situation is as follows: We are located in a medical research facility/hospital that stretches at about 120,000 square feet with a diameter of about 8 acres on the wooded coast of Oregon. Most of the doctors/researchers are dead or have become Walkers and either wander the halls or the grounds outside of the facility, which is surrounded by thick forests on all sides. Despite the site's isolation, several, non-doctor types have found their way to the facility and reside there. The people upholding this stronghold deal with sick patients, fending of the walking dead, and various other issues such as food, water, and human nature. One particular issue at hand is the ever-increasing amounts of Walkers washing up along the shore, bringing new behaviours and threats with them. Currently, the remaining doctors are trying to figure out a vaccine, but the progress is often "one step forward, two steps back". [b]Rules[/b] 1. Be respectful, ethical, and use common sense. 2. You may kill off your own character and start new, but no killing others. 3. Keep the population of the facility relatively constant. 4. No sexually explicit material (duh). 5. No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus 6. Don't be a limelight hog. 7. Have fun destroying zombies. Or Walkers. Or Biters. Or whatever the hell they are. [b][u][i]NOTICE:[/b][/i][/u] I am not taking more than three doctors (me included) so join quickly if you want to be one. [b]Character Skelly[/b] Name: Age: 8-40 Sex: Appearance: be descriptive Personality: optional History: Special Skills: Weaknesses: at least 2 Other Stuff: [b]My Character:[/b] Name: Michelle (Shell) Accart Age: 26 Sex: Female Appearance: stands at about 5'6" with a slender, non-muscular build and large curves that are modestly covered (in mostly medical uniform/labcoat), auburn hair that is kept in a messy bun (when down, it reaches a little below her shoulder blades), ivory complexion and round face, faint freckles stretching across her nose and cheekbones, a slightly jagged, white scar - about 2 inches long - stretches from just above her left eyebrow to the edge of her hairline Personality: RP out History: Shell was a well-off only child who lived in Chicago her whole childhood before moving to Rhode Island for college. She was an intern at the facility for about five months after graduating from Brown University on a masters degree in contagious diseases and medical science before "shit hit the fan". On some kind of bad-luck streak, her parents had been visiting her when everything went down, and were early victims of the Walker invasions. This gave Shell a (quite irrational) phobia of the Walkers, and her little-to-no combat skill render her almost useless on the field. Special Skills: Master of medical science, extremely intelligent in all things disease-ridden, quick and rational thinker, collaborates well Weaknesses: almost useless in the field, shaky firearm aim Other Stuff: The scar on her forehead is an old Walker scratch that was almost immediately cleaned with strong, pure alcohol, therefore preventing much spreading.