Hello everyone, for quite a while now I have been deeply interested in all things regarding the Warcraft universe. I have played all the Warcraft games and have read all the books as well. For longer than I would like to admit, I have been wanting to create a Warcraft Roleplay for the forums and have finally decided to do so. My question is, what interest is out there for a Warcraft RP? [b]Let me explain the plotline as of now.[/b] The Legion has returned to Azeroth once more with Gul'dan leading their infinite armies. His demon forces pour out in countless numbers from within the tomb of Sargeras and gather for war upon the Broken Shore. Shortly after, the Horde and Alliance gather their forces to assault the Broken Shore and eliminate Gul'dan but are overwhelmed by the sheer number of forces and the power this new Legion wields mercilessly. Barely escaping with their lives, the Heroes of both factions are forced to retreat while suffering major losses against the Legion. While the assault upon the Broken Shore commences, the Wardens make a desperate choice to unleash their demon hunter prisoners that they have kept within the Vault of the Wardens. Unknown to them, Cordana Felsong had betrayed the Wardens and lead the Legion directly to the Vault. In a matter of moments, chaos ensued from within the vault and many more lives were lost. A group of Wardens managed to escape from the vault alongside the infamous Maiev Shadowsong. They fled to the island of Azsuna, an island covered with ancient elven ruins and lore dating back to the war of the ancients. From here they started to recruit and train a new generation of Wardens to help fight against the Legion as well as rebuild all that they had lost. These new Wardens go through extensive training from the very best, leading to the production of elite soldiers that help push back against the wave of demons or other special operations that only they could handle. How will the betrayal be handled? how will we retake the Vault? What does Gul'dan have planned? What surprises does the Legion have waiting for us? What will become of Azeroth and her population? This is where we will come into the story. I plan for us to travel and explore all that the Broken Island has to offer, from Surama to Black Rook hold and possibly even a legion conquered world. A quick view of the the CS below. [b]Character Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Class:[/b] (Any class from Wow) [b]Age:[/b] (Any age in human years) [b]Race:[/b] (choose a race from Warcraft.) [b]Gear:[/b] (please stick with warcraft gear.) [b]Spells:[/b] (please stick with warcraft spells.) [b]History:[/b] (Don't have to do anything crazy here.) (You have the choice of playing a Warden, if you choose to do so you have to be a Nightelf.) [b]Why are you joining up with the Wardens:[/b] Any comments? Thoughts? Ideas? please let me know! I am always ready for help or ideas. Thanks for checking out the thread and I hope to see some interest. Also, I know this plotline is very close to the current expansion but I assure you that 95% of it will be custom created from my own creativity/imagination. -Automatically inviting [@Nallore]-