[Hider=Necro] [Center][h3][b]Necro[/b][/h3] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/fec98a2bf16a4a46de0aa815786cb024/tumblr_nymunb3XNH1uy4xxuo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Connor Night [b]Alias:[/b] Necro [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Alignment:[/b] Anti-Hero [b]Loyalty:[/b] Independent (Mercenary - Highest Bidder) [b]Appearance:[/b] [Indent]In Costume: Necro is covered in what appears to be a second skeleton outside of his body, sporting wide bone plates sheathing his arms, legs and shoulders. The ribs covering his chest are wider and thicker than a human, able to stop most small caliber guns but a direct hit from a Breaker or a high powered rifle would splinter the bone into shards. His face is covered by a skull that is shaped to fit his head perfectly. The figure is quite thin but given extra bulk by the armor. Out of Costume: Connor Looks like a very frail man, his bald head and sunken features look like the quintessential late stage cancer patient. Rail thin he could hardly weigh over 100 lbs. beyond this he wears baggy black clothing to disguise his stature often wearing a heavy black trench coat and black hoodie. He would often be seen coughing and hacking into his hand and wiping blood from the corners of his mouth. [/Indent] [b]History:[/b] Connor lived a simple life assuming that he was just an average guy, sure he would dress up as the most recent super hero when he was a kid but that phase quickly passed and he went on medical school. In med school he met a Sarah the woman who would become his wife, she was going to school for nursing right next door. He graduated with high marks and managed to land a job at a nearby hospital to become a surgeon. In the hospital he began to dislike Parahuman groups especially the Protectorate. Namely due to the collateral damage they would inevitably cause in their epic battles with villains, while he was stitching the actual victims back together. For several years he worked as a surgeon and living a comfortable life with his wife over this time she had become pregnant and given birth to a daughter, Emily. One day he was feeling ill and went to the hospital he worked at to get checked out, and they found a mass growing on his pancreas. While they were unsure as to what it was Connor was very concerned that it was cancer but had to wait several days for tests to confirm. For these few days he spent time with his family trying desperately to be optimistic that is was some kind of non-cancerous mass. Finally the day he was driving down to the hospital to get his test results he was sure in his gut that it was cancer, and terminal at that. He drove down to the hospital anyway and just as he suspected the tests proved that he had a slow acting cancer that was also impossible to entirely destroy even with treatment and surgery. He left the hospital depressed and angry at the world and decided to get blind stinking drunk. He wanders down an alley, completely lost, and finds a good dumpster to throw up behind. He staggers back towards the streets proper and finds a new bar with several people inside. He glances around feeling utterly alone, nobody can help him. Terminal cancer was a death sentence he had looked at the scans himself and his family could only watch as he withered away. Connor left the bar again and collapsed to his knees, tears falling to the dirty concrete. After a moment of clarity through his drunken haze he decides he wouldn’t subject his family to his wasting away. The crushing depression and the decision locked into his mind making something trip in him, Triggering his latent ability. The change was a cruel kind of understanding, shifting his thoughts through a dark lens. Flipping his depression into cold fury. He glances around knowing things he didn’t understand, there were a handful of dead animals around him, a few rats and a raccoon across the street. This new knowledge cut through his raging emotions making him think carefully on why he would know. The alcohol slowed putting two and two together, but he still came to the realization that he was a Parahuman. He could feel what and where dead things were, didn’t seem very useful. He decided that he would worry about it later. He took off away from the bar trying to organize his thoughts. After a few minutes he was sharply yanked into an alley and shoved up against a wall. A kid, about 17, held him against a wall and produced a small handgun “Just gimme yo cash man” the kid says but Connor panics triggering his other ability. He was entirely unaware of it happening even when he latched his hand on the kid’s wrist and sent corruption spreading rapidly through his body. The Kid panicked and tried to pull away entirely forgetting about the gun in his hand, after 3-4 seconds his heart had stopped and he fell limp. Connor stared down at the kid’s corpse feeling… nothing, he knew that he was supposed to feel something but for some reason he didn’t. He took off again into the night just trying to find a safe place. Over the next year he began taking odd jobs such as petty theft to meet his most basic needs and devoting all his other time to learning what he could do and the limits of his ability. As he learned how is power worked he began earning a small reputation with local groups who occasionally needed parahuman talents to steal something or kill. Connor learned to pick locks along the way, a simple trade skill for a thief he wasn’t an expert but good enough to get through most basic locks in under a minute. He managed to accumulate enough money to establish himself with some stability. He even placed himself on the dark net as a contract killer and thief learning enough about computers to be anonymous to the police but a Parahuman hacker would have little trouble tracking him down. Connor preferred jobs where he could bring down Parahumans that abused their powers such as gangbangers or those affiliated with the Protectorate. He does try not to kill innocents and will refuse any job to harm a child (16 and under). Beyond this he is mostly indifferent to the jobs offered. During this time his cancer also seemed to slow and ultimately halt its progress, making him very sick but not getting any worse. The trigger event seemed to have changed him, or the cancer, so that he wouldn’t die of it. He still coughs up blood and looks to be on the verge of death, which he uses to his advantage. Someone so sick and dying couldn’t be dangerous… right? [Center][h3][b]Personality [/b] [/h3] [/center] [b]Motivations: [/b] Generating money for his family by taking mercenary jobs and survival, taking down a villain or gang member is just a bonus. [b]Sexuality: [/b] Asexual - no sex drive due to cancer [b]Likes: [/b] [list] [*] Living (no easy task with terminal cancer) [*]Twinkies [*]Former Family [/list] [b]Dislikes: [/b] [list] [*] decisions made for others [*]Parahuman Groups [*]Killing Innocents [/list] [b]Derangement: [/b] Serious lack of Empathy, it is still possible given the right circumstances but extremely difficult to coax out of him. He is also mentally immune to scenes of gore and brutality, working with corpses has that effect which often causes him to react inappropriately to such scenes making those around him uneasy(er). [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Medical Doctor (surgeon), lock picking [b]Classification:[/b] Master, Thinker and Striker [b]Details:[/b] [indent]Death touch (requires physical contact) - Spreads physical corruption such as Necrosis on his victim, this takes a few 2-5 seconds depending on touch point. The corruption spreads outwards basically evenly and takes longer to reach vitals if they were touched on an extremity vs the chest or head. Raise Dead (30ft range) - Can raise the dead, returning their "soul" to the body and reanimating them, while they maintain a certain level of personality they are still under control. Reanimated people do have extremely high durability and strength. Connor can control two corpses comfortably without taxing his concentration significantly. Sense dead (30 ft. range) - Connor can sense what and where any dead creature is immediately around him such as rats, birds, and people. The condition of the corpse is largely unknown. Shape Bone (touch) - can mold and shape bone at will, primarily used to create and repair his armor, or cause spikes and blades to extend from the armor at will. [/indent] [b]Limitations:[/b] [indent] Death Touch - The spread is slower and takes more effort on Parahumans, and can be totally nullified by high level regeneration abilities. A parahuman without any regenerative ability will take 2-3 times longer to bring down, also depending on placement of touch. Raise Dead - this ability does not work on parahumans at all, no idea why. The ability taxes his concentration but does not become a burden until he is directing three or more, six is his upper limit but it would basically make him catatonic. Sense Dead - Does not work on anything smaller than a mouse, thus he cannot detect insects or individual dead cells. Shape Bone - Does not affect "Living bone" and cannot be used on other people. Follows conservation of mass. [/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b] A 9mm hand gun, lock pick set, backpack, extra ammunition, cell phone [/hider]