[center][b][h2][color=blueviolet]The Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg/440px-Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg.png[/img] [color=blueviolet][b][i]"Unbowed and Unbroken" 1910[/i][/b][/color][/center] [b][center]Foulois Accord[/center][/b] Following the Blutlandic delegate and his impassioned speech regarding the loss of trade following 2 years of occupation of the Koringas Islands, three isles which he doubted the man had ever heard of before this accord, went the honour of standing and speaking to the Tyrian diplomat, one Alfred von Kohlberg. With a stroke of his fine mustache, tended to this very morning by his own personal barber, the Tyrian noble slowly regarded the congregation. A congregation it had taken the Estalians two years to call he noted with slight mirth. "A fine speech herr Hettinger." The Tyrian spoke as he turned to regard the Blutlander. "Complete with all the nuance and narration I'd expect from one of your newspapers in their sentiment against the good Empire... If we was here today to talk of oppression and impediment, I would dine to bring up the forced assimilation campaign embarked upon by one's government, that of 'Blutlandification' upon the people of seven nation states by the few. But alas we are not, so let us talk of these three isles. These three isles which are, and remain of strategic importance to the Empire. However, we also see that for our aims to be met in this accord, we do not require the ownership of the Koringas but basing rights for the Imperial Fleets. It is a nations right to ensure the protection of a strait which it itself relies upon in maritime trade and influence at sea." [center][img]https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/mensdorff.jpg?w=335&h=300[/img] [i]Alfred von Kohlberg of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, circa 1910[/i][/center] [hider=Accord Actions] Alfred von Kohlberg pushes the [b]Basing Rights[/b] issue by +3 in the Tyro-Antarian Empire's direction.[/hider] [color=blueviolet][center][b][h3]~*~[/h3][/b][/center][/color] [b][center]"Where are my soldier's rifles!?"[/center][/b] A cause for great concern has rippled throughout the military and governance of the Empire this season as a training mobilization was called in coincident timing of the Foulois Accord. The states vast standing army, a cause for great prestige within the Empire matched in size only by the extensive Republic of Staratia, made for a fine sight as hundreds of men reported to barracks and frontier posts across the dual monarchy. After concluding reports to the Imperial Cabinet however, and to the shock of many it was found that less than half of the assembled men could be armed with rifles as foreign military attaches looked on. A dark day for the Empire to which the Emperor was reported to have questioned "Where are my soldier's rifles!?" in anger as several prominent military figures have taken to calling the discovery a "national disgrace" while others look to blaming foreign subterfuge or the inherent bureaucracy of the Empire. Whatever maybe the case, the armaments are simply not there. [center][img]http://gunsmagazine.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/34.jpg[/img] [i]A Tyro-Antarian Infantry unit pose with their issue M1902 Schütze Infantry Rifles, circa 1910[/i] [/center]