[@Pundii] [@FantasyChic] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@BlueSky44] [@JustDoingMe] [@Sigil] [@Lord Wraith] Okay, it has been one hell of a week for a high percentage of Rpers - School, work, family stuff, computers dying, internet going down, flu season is setting in, and more. So right now I am instituting a rare counter reset for all my Rps. Never done this before actually but I feel you all need a little wiggle room. (Please don't abuse it or make me regret it.) All counters are reset as of this post. Now that doesn't mean if you can post to hold until the last minute, it just means you don't have to worry as much if you have been running behind. If you are waiting for someone to post - from here on out please tag them in OOC so they are aware. Please don't assume they know you are holding.