[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] Calamity is an understatement for what is going on within the walls of Newnan. The shots have struck a chord within the cities confines and people are panicking; despite the panic though they are getting the job done. People are going to where they are supposed to. In the Main Building the doors to the infirmary and past that, The OR, are still. It is quiet, very quiet within there as Froggy operates and tries to keep Zoie alive. Astrid is doing what she can to help but at this point she is way out of her league and is just grateful she knows the instruments names at this point so she can hand them over at quickly as possible. [@rivaan] [@Morose] [@Charnobylisk] - The group waits for the three of you to climb on in. Beni, the boss, pets his pooch, before giving a quick explanation. He tells you that they are headed south for now but will be sweeping around the long way. He tells you that he will explain about Eden when they get to relative safety. This is translated by his the other two men to both Ed and Lana in their native tongues. Once everyone is loaded up, they move out. Not down the road but through the woods. Beni says it is far safer these days than an open stretch. [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@rivaan] [@Morose] [@Charnobylisk] - You two.... Ray is still kicking. Well Ray is kicking about as well as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest but he is still alive. You hear Motorcycles and a truck coming through the woods. Which might give you cause for alarm but with the Walkers starting to come your way again you are in luck. They sweep in and take out the small hoard trying to encircle you before they stop. One of the men jumps out the passenger side of the truck, hands up and points to a patch on his leather jacket - [b]Medic[/b] - it reads. He doesn't say anything, just moves over quickly and grabs Ray before getting him over to the back of the truck. Beni pulls a line - [i]"Come with us if you want to live."[/i] [@Caits] [@Sigil] [@Nallore] - The kids are listening and doing what they are told. It seems the drills that Zoie had put them through over the last month has paid off. Even the younger ones have their knives drawn just in case but are moving as directed. Older ones helping the littler ones by scooping them up and darting for the nearest cover and then nearest building. Thing is, everything is quiet. There is no more noise, no more fire but that doesn't stop the people of Newnan. Adults are making their way to the Armory carefully to get armed. [@Sigil] [@Nallore] [@Morose] - Tatiana has flipped into survival mode and has ahold of Sophia's wheelchair. Again, there seems to be no more shots fired but everyone is on high alert and the people on the wall are looking through their scopes to see if they can spot anything. The inner wall gate is opened just enough to let everyone through and get them inside. Tatiana looks towards Bazooli - [color=a187be]"Net nozhey , nikakoy pol'zy ot tseli vy ne mozhete uvidet'. Pomoch' mne poluchit' yeye v bezopasnoye mesto,"[/color] she says quickly before rushing over to Jack and grabbing a hold of his hand, wanting to get him to the inner wall as quickly as possible. Bazooli is far stronger than Tatiana is, it is evident that he must be, he is far taller than she is and probably out weighs her by a good sixty pounds. [hider=Translation] No knives, no good against a target you can not see. Help me get her to a safe place. [/hider]