When she felt Ezra drop her hands, she felt like it was more than just that. It felt like Ezra was already giving up, though what he was giving up on exactly was a bit unclear. In a way, it was like he was giving up on Marta, even though, what reason did he have to believe in her? What could she possibly do to help him or make things better? Sure, he father held a pretty influential position in the government, but he would not sacrifice his job, and potentially his family’s safety, just to help one boy. But surely there had to be something Marta could do, but like always, her hopeful behavior blinded her from the reality. She felt Ezra standing, helping her up as she did. She made sure to straighten her dress since it bunched up while sitting on the ground. Marta looked up at Ezra as he began to speak, and Marta almost wished he hadn’t. He spoke so bluntly, it almost made Marta want to run away. But that would just prove what he was saying to be correct. She was one of the lucky ones. She had everything in the world, while he had nothing. Even if there wasn’t a war brewing, and it was just a normal day, their social standings would still make Marta the elite, and Ezra just the rats in the gutter of the streets that her type of people walked on everyday. But that was just it, Marta didn’t want to be like those people. Marta wanted to surround herself with every type of person, culture, food, experience she could imagine. She didn’t want to live in the bubble, and she was doing whatever she could to pop it. Marta would think of Ezra, everyday, for the unforeseeable future. Their short interaction has impacted her life more than he could imagine. She would not forget how the world they live in made him question her reasoning for being in the bakery. She would not forget how, despite his fears about her, he came to her aid after she fled. She would not forget the look in his eyes as she stared at him, as if there was so much more he wanted to say and do. Marta was speechless. Which, for her, was a rare thing. She didn’t want to go home, but what else was she suppose to do? Clearly Ezra had his mind made up; he wanted her out of his life, so that he could forget about her. Marta didn’t want to give up, but her naivety making it impossible to come up with a solution. With a shaky breath, she turned and started to head towards the direction of her house. Every step she took felt like a weight was being added to her shoulders. Her footsteps ringing in her ears. [i]This can’t be it[/i] she thought to herself as she felt a raindrop on her forehead. [i]Don’t give up Marta! Do something![/i] Marta can be very stubborn, which has proven helpful, at least in terms of getting what she wants, from her father and on occasion, her mother. If she wasn’t as stubborn as she was, she would have never convinced her father to let her go to Berlin. Or convince her mother to let her walk to her uncle’s party today. And it was about to prove useful once again, as her stubbornness made her stop walking and face Ezra again. At the moment though, she was still lost for words, but she had to let Ezra know she wasn’t going anywhere. That he was stuck with her now. So her instincts kicked in and she did the only thing she could think to do. Marta leaned over, her hands landing gently on Ezra’s chest, as she stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on Ezra’s lips. It was a soft, and did not last very long, but it felt so right to Marta. She pulled back, a look of shock on her face. She could not believe she did that, but she did not regret it. However, she was speechless before, now Marta was pretty sure she didn’t even know how to form words. Did she just take it too far?