[color=blue][h3][center]Graeden Yourshaw[/center][/h3][/color] After the discovery of what Apollyon was, Graeden had decided to try and look at the other species of dragons, figuring it would be useful later down the line. He had been engrossed so much in the book he was startled when he heard a knock on the door. He regained his composure swiftly, and left the book on the stand next to the plush sofa. He heard a voice from the other side, sounding to be looking for Eun-mi. Upon reaching the door he opened it to see who was knocking. Standing in front of him was Emma if he remembered earlier introductions correctly."Oh you looking for Eun-mi, I'll go get her, if you want come in," he said turning around and heading back into the apartment and down to Eun-mi's room. The door closed he gave a slight knock. "Eun-mi, Emma's here and needs to talk to you about something," he said through the door hopefully loud enough for her to hear. While Graeden had been doing that, Apollyon had slipped out passed Emma deciding she was done sitting around the apartment. If Graeden needed her she figured he'd come looking. She made her way down several flight of stairs reaching the main floor of the building. She spotted two other dragons off to the side, one having the scent of Emma, the other slightly of Eun-mi, curious on what was going on she made her way over to them.