Ye-jun climbed to the top of a steep hill overlooking the quarry when the pulling of the bingo card had stopped. He looked out to see colorful spandex people fighting strange monster in the quarry. "[color=ed1c24]Eh? What's happening down there?[/color] he though "[color=ed1c24]are they filming a show? I hope I didn't accidentally walk into frame.[/color]" He felt a light thud at his feet. When he looked down there was a belt sitting there. Ye-jun picks it up to investigate the belt and notices the slot at the top. He looks around to no avail to see who might have thrown the belt but nobody was there. "[color=ed1c24]I...guess it's mine.[/color]" He straps the belt on and inserts the bingo card. "[b][u][i]READY! CHANGE! BINGO FIGHTER! BURST![/i][/u][/b] rings out in a synthetic voice. Before Ye-jun could even think, a light envelops him. When it recedes he finds that he too is now clad in the same sort of spandex-like suits the people down in the quarry were wearing. He looked down at this strange white suit to see that large yet sleek armor with some vents in the back cover his leg with an odd pair of segmented stripes that run from the top of the knees to the chest piece with the bottoms segments glowing light blue. His arms had some minimal light gray armor that was far less impressive than what was on the legs. His helmet was sleek with a light blue visor and a mouthpiece with some small etchings that seemed to resemble some sort of mouth. "[color=ed1c24]I guess I get to be in whatever this is.[/color]" He runs down the hill and goes to jump over a fence in the way. The vents on the leg armor activated and propelled him high into the air. He makes a rough landing but is surprised at the minimal amount of discomfort he felt from the fall. He gets up and runs straight towards the strange paper monsters and put his tae-kwon-do training to use and enters into the fray, delivering boosted kicks to his newfound opponents.