Marta stood there, unable to move or say anything. Truth was, she didn’t want to move, she truly believed she was exactly where she should be. And when her mind finally processed the arm that was resting around her waist, Ezra’s arm, she felt so safe and secure in that moment, even if it was the farthest thing from the truth. Completely oblivious to the stares of people around them, through curtained windows, or just on the other side of the street, Marta did not realize how much damage she may have just caused. To her though, she was still in shock that she just initiated her first ever kiss. Yes Marta was beautiful, and all the boys on her street like to flirt with her, but Marta never paid them any attention. She was waiting for the right guy, despite what her mother may think. Marta is waiting for love. She looked up, her cheeks still very flushed from the kiss, and saw so many emotions in Ezra’s eyes. And she heard him start to form his words, faltering at times. And when she saw the flash of anger and heard him ask her why she wanted him to suffer, Marta felt her knees almost give out from beneath her. What had she done? Why did her brain, and heart, believe this to be the right thing to do? It was too late to change what she had done, Her stupidity becoming more and more clear to her. Her actions would leave no effect on her, but she may have just dug Ezra’s grave. They weren’t on her side of town, they were on his. His neighbors were the witnesses. Ezra would truly be the one who suffers. There would be no logical way of her parents ever finding out what happened, unless she told them. She could go home tonight, lay in bed and know she would be able to walk out her front door tomorrow without fear of someone glaring at her, or even worse, attacking her. The same couldn't be said for Ezra. Marta could die from idiocy in this moment. Marta fully expected Ezra to push her away, hell even slap her at this point. She deserved it. However, what he did next turned Marta into a shivering puddle of a mess. She felt Ezra step closer to her, his body’s warmth enveloping her as the rain started to fall more heavily now. At this rate, the two of them would be drenched in a matter of minutes. She couldn’t help but let her eyelids flutter shut as Ezra ran his hand through her hair. Despite what was happening right now, the calmness of having a person touch her hair will always be soothing. She slowly opened her eyes again and listened to his words, feeling his delicate fingers upon her face. It was so bittersweet. He wasn’t mad that she kissed him, but he seemed sure it would never and should never happen again. Marta didn’t want that. Marta had no way of knowing what would happen next, but she does know that all the emotions running through her right now, there was something different about them. Something she has never felt before. While Marta may be a likable person and befriend anyone who just says "hi" to her, there are only a handful of people she deems worthy of her love. That included her parents, aunts and uncles and grandparents. And her best friend, Hilda. But the love she holds for them is tender and sweet. But the emotions she is feelings towards Ezra right now felt similar, but with a fiery passion behind them that did not feel like they would ever extinguish. Was this what it felt like to be falling in love? Her body was beginning to tremble from the cold rain and from the pure adrenaline and emotions coursing through her body. Her eyes have not left Ezra’s and she has made no indication of moving from his arms. His comment about never going back the bakery, and her not being smart and not listening, nailed it right on the head. It is not even an option. She would see Ezra again. Her hand, which was still resting on Ezra’s chest, reached up and rested on the back of his neck, letting her fingers play with his curly locks at the base of his neck. Finally breaking her silence, Marta closed the gap between their bodies more and said, “I don’t want you to be left wondering. I want you to feel those things everyday, for real. I can’t pretend I didn’t meet you Ezra. And I will not stay away.”