[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Amy Chang[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/05/16/635990210541662071-1108165160_8.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Altsoba Memorial [b]Interacting With:[/b] Dr. Sorreast[hr][hr][/center] Despite everything Amy was actually able to get some sleep. Being a doctor and going through internship taught you quickly how to filter out what noises you needed to wake up for and what ones you could say fuck it to. Amy said fuck it to most all of them. Then Sorreast had to come in and make her fully aware that it was day time once again. [color=a187be]"Aren't you fucking dead yet?"[/color] she muttered as she slowly sat up from the bed and yawned. Pushing her hair out of her face she checked her pager, nothing. Perking a brow she slipped on her shoes and started trudging through the hospital. The place was dead, like a ghost town. [color=a187be]"Did everyone die last night or did they just decide to go the fuck home?"[/color] she muttered to herself before looking around some more and heading down to the ER to check charts. There wasn't anything that needed her attention. Turning back she sought out Sorreast again and narrowed her eyes. [color=a187be]"The place is dead, its quiet, there are rooms and rooms available. There are plenty of beds out there. Why in the fuck would you come to me? Just couldn't resist my ever loving personality or do you have a death wish yourself? Go lay the fuck down and sleep off that booze because I swear to fucking Christ or what fucking deity you have pledged your soul to that I will rip out your spine with my bare teeth if one emergency shows up and you are too hammered to take a temperature."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Danica Graves[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mch9wcsgen1qgwf7j.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b]Her Hotel Room --> Alistair Apartments [b]Interacting With:[/b] That mangy mutt (I am waiting for Scooby and the Gang to show up now...)[hr][hr][/center] [color=82ca9d]"Oh for fucks sake if you are going to stick around we need a dog door,"[/color] Danica muttered as she planted her face into her pillow and tried to get a few more moments rest but the mutt wasn't having it. Flinging the sheets off her she pitched a bit of a hissy fit before rolling out of bed and slipping her pants on; then her shoes before gathering her things and shoving them into her pack. If she went out today she wanted to be prepared. Stepping over to the dog she was about to let him out before noticing his collar. Taking a quick look she perked a brow. [color=82ca9d]"Well I'll be damned..."[/color] she muttered before picking her pack back up and shouldering it before grabbing her ten speed. Opening the door she watched the dog bolt and sped off after him as best she could. Wherever she was going they had better have food. She could really go for some cookies right now. Dropping down to third gear on her bike she peddled towards the apartments and up onto the curb. The city looked like shit but that was to be expected. At least she had survived the night and had actually gotten some sleep along with it. Hoisting her bike up onto her shoulder she wandered around a bit until she found the right apartment and dropped her bike. Leaning it against the wall by the door and banging on it a few times. [color=82ca9d]"Hey anyone home? I got your dog!"[/color] she called out before banging on the door again. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=silver]Belladonna Crypt[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/tFYwRrgJOcsJa/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Crypt Manor [b]Interacting With:[/b] Perfection[hr][hr][/center] The sweet sing of the violin in the background, the spin of the world around, a night full of horrors. How wonderful it was and though she had bid the world a pleasant nightmare come midnight she arose with the first rays of the sun that dared peek their way into her chamber. Cheekbones rising as a smile curled to her lips and a sensuous sigh escaped them. Moving quietly with the silence of a spirit she slipped from the black silk sheets; ensuring to not disturb any she held close. (She would disturb them enough later.) A change of clothing from black satin gown to black fitted hobble dress. Black was such a happy color. Then a painting of the lips; red of course, blood red. Turning with tiny steps she moved through the decrepit manor as her palms were pressed against each other before her. It was going to be such a lovely day. Death, mayhem, who could ask for anything more? To the garden first, peering out at the city as it awoke. Oh my, was that a man still burning? Charred from hell fire? Oh she did hope so, though in all honesty it smelt more like he had been a tad over cooked. What a shame. Prune the roses; keep the thorns and throw away the blossoms. Oh dear, did she step on a bud as she skittered away? Marvelous. The house was dank and quiet, a soft wisp of wind moving the cobwebs and dust. Yet, it was too quiet. Something was amiss, or missing as it were. There should be activity at this hour. Very much, she had not had a single book fly towards her ebony locks this morning. It worried her as her brow rose dramatically in the foyer. Turning she looked this way and that. Still nothing. Placing a single red nail tip to her cheek she pondered for a moment before she spoke. [color=silver]"Countess? Countess Elisse? Where are you this morning?"[/color] she called out but yet got no response. [color=silver]"Curiouser and curiouser."[/color] Turning she made her way into the kitchen. A bubbling brew at the cauldron, thick and swampy. How wonderful it smelled of peat moss and slugs. Do I detect a hint of mummy's wrapping? Delicious! It would make for a fine stew this evening, now where did she put that dead man's toe? Looking around she still had yet to hear the pitter patter of little feet. Knocking her spoon against the cauldron she called out to her dear little one. [color=silver]"Mercurial. Mercurial darling, do put the cat down and go rouse your father. Breakfast is waiting,"[/color] she said in a voice as icy as the feel of her skin. As quite as it was, it rang out clearly through the home and crawled to the ears of those within like a fog creeping in through the night. It was a trait that sent shivers down her beloveds spine. He did enjoy a bone chill do much.