He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and bring him back to reality. The arm he placed on her body dropped to his head and his head fell forward leaning against hers a moment before he pulled away. He took a couple breaths and noticed her shivering. He had to get her home or she'd get sick and the last thing he needed was for a family like hers finding out he had kept their daughter in the rain over a kiss that would never be anything more than that. He gently nudged her so that she was facing the way she came and began to take long strides out of his neighborhood. He could hear the tapping of her shoes behind him as he did his best to avoid looking back at her. "All I have to do is get her back to her own people. Somewhere she's familiar with and then I can go back home. I can pretend this was all a dream," he said to himself his pace quickened. He had to get back to his parents. To the bakery to make that delivery for the old lady. She'd need the bread, and she wouldn't go get it herself. She was too frail and fearful to leave her home. His eyes stayed focused on the floor. The rain began to soak into his clothes sending a small shiver down his spine as he finally looked up. "I...I don't know where to take you," he said when he finally stopped walking and put his attention back to her, "Why would you kiss me? I don't even know where you live and yet you took my first kiss. I don't even know your name, but you've got me out here worrying about your life over mine." He was getting frustrated. His emotions couldn't decide on what was more important. Part of him wanted to kiss her again. To have his arm around her waist and to let her know he was grateful for their encounter. Another part of him was angry with her. Furious that she thought she had the right to put her lips to his. Like it was no big deal, which for her wasn't. She would go home and be okay. He would turn back around alone and the eyes would follow him home. Whispers would happen on the streets and he'd end up back in the hospital by next week. The other part of him was scared. Scared he'd never see her again. That she was just words and no actions. He would let her in and she would leave him high and dry with nothing but memories of what might have been had he been anyone else but himself. They were out of his street by then and he could see the propaganda on the walls. Flyers hung around them, blaming the Jewish community for everything. People hailing Hitler with their friends and laughing. Making jokes about his religion and calling them scum. He became very aware of the fact that his legs felt heavy and he wasn't sure he'd be able to run if he had to. He wouldn't be able to protect her if something happened and she tried to play hero. His breathing became loud and he felt like the world was spinning. He could hear the voice in the back of his mind from the memory laughing. Taunting. Everything was taunting him. He held his stomach with one hand and his other hand moved the swastika carved into his chest. "It's not safe...it's not safe," he repeated the mantra in a low voice. He looked like a lost child searching for his mother. His eyes were wide and with each breath his voice seemed to lose itself. "I'm not safe...I'm not safe..." His mother's warning played itself on repeat in his brain [i]"Ezra, no going out alone. You stay in the shop or you walk with a group to school. You wait for us to go home. Ezra, no going out alone. You stay in the shop or you walk with a group to school. You wait for us to go home. Ezra, no going out alone. You stay in the shop or you walk with a group to school. You wait for us to go home."[/i] He'd really hear from her and his father would just grunt and pretend he wasn't thanking the lord that his son was brought home safe and sound. "I'm not safe...I'm not safe..." Ezra's hands had made it to his ears and he closed his eyes wanting any form of comfort or any sign of safety. He was out of his element. He was alone. She was there physically, but in his mind he was by himself and he could already see his demise. He wanted for her to reach out to him, but at the same time prayed that she wouldn't touch him. That she would keep walking and never look back.