[@gohKamikaze] Koru had been staring at the map for some time, its geography didn’t match anything on his map or anything in his journal. The characters scribbled out where clearly that of the common tongue if a little cruder than he was used to reading. As gruff as Mr. Hardwick came off as Koru could see that he did genuinely believe he had found this tavern on his map. [color=00a651]“But that doesn’t make any sense...”[/color] he muttered now comparing the rough note paper to his own. Koru was not new to the idea of planes of existence yet they still often had relations to the levels above or below it. However no matter how he tried to lined up the scribble to the coastal forests nothing matched. How many levels of planes had this tavern taken him to have shifted the land so dramatically. The more he thought on it the more that these tavern seemed to be less of a gateway to another plane but a pocket dimension. However he had no earthly idea how one would keep one portal open to multiple locations at once. He swirled his drink thoughtfully. [color=00a651]“Though I have no doubts of their, ummm, Nastyness, I am interested to know what you found in your investigation?”[/color] he asked packing his map back into his cylindrical container. [color=00a651]“Do you mind if I keep this?”[/color] he gestured to the map Mr. Hardwick had drawn up for him and opening his book to a fresh page the ink now dry.