Name: Ryteb Appearance: He stands at roughly 5’3, and is rather scrawny in build, with fairly pale skin. His face could be called effeminate, but has a foxlike quality to it that makes most people around him suspect he’s plotting some mischief. There is a fae-like quality to his hair, which seems to ripple between the colours of a roaring flame. His eyes are a reddish orange, with that same twinkle of trickery to them as the rest of his face. His left forearm seems to be consumed by darkness, kept from passing into the rest of his body by blazing red tattoos on his bicep. To hide this, he wears an elbow length gauntlet on his right hand, made from a reddish bronze material. As an apprentice mage, Ryteb wears a dark green robe, embroidered with all the stars and mystic symbols that are needed for those in the profession of magic. For ease of movement among apprentices, the robe only comes down to his knees, with a split so that he can run more easily. Along with the robe, he also wears a pair of blue jeans, and a stout pair of boots. Bio: Ryteb lived on Terra Amet, a world where magic overran technology. He was an apprentice of Odin Stone, a kindly old man who studied the mysteries of the arcane, along with an older boy by the name of Retsam Alkeim. When the Heartless appeared, Odin took interest in them, even discovering techniques to manipulate the darkness. However, after one of the experimental darkness spells backfired, caused Ryteb to almost be consumed by the darkness, Odin ceased the experiments, and forbade either of them to try it again. Though Ryteb followed the wishes of his master, Retsam was too deeply enthralled by the power of this new magic. The older apprentice continued the research of the Heartless in secret. As Retsam unlocked more secrets of the darkness, he gained more power, but also became harsher and more arrogant. Eventually he reached a point where he believed he had eclipsed Odin, and decided to eliminate his fool of a master. The ensuring fight was quite literally a world ending event. As Retsam channelled the power of darkness, Odin wielded the strength of the elements. Ryteb wanted to help his master, but his strength was incomparable to the two of them. Eventually though, the fallen apprentice gained the upper hand, for he was younger than Odin, and the heartless were pouring into the world disrupting Odin’s connection to the world. He was about to strike the final blow on his master, when Ryteb got in the way, using a stick to shield himself. It was then that a Keyblade chose the young apprentice, granting him enough power to push his arrogant senior back. Drawing on the last dregs of the world, he used a powerful Firaga, which blasted Retsam away, into the darkness. The battle had taken much out of Odin, and he was on his last legs. With his dying breath, he surrounded Ryteb in a barrier of light, and flung him out of the world. He washed up on the shore of an unknown world, and swore that he would find Retsam, and get revenge for his master. Age: 16 Skills: Ryteb has a talent for elemental magics, most notably fire magic. He does possess some knowledge of manipulating darkness, but refuses to use it as his body risks being swallowed by the darkness. From his training, he does have some experience with hand to hand combat and swordfighting, but nowhere near the level of professional combatants. The keyblade that chose Ryteb is named Prometheus. It looks similar to the Spellbinder keyblade, but with some differences. The hilt is made of stone in the shape of a pair of eagle wings, with an ivory grip. The blade seems to be entirely flame, but smooth and controlled. For a keychain, there is merely a broken shackle. Prometheus boosts a person’s magical ability, and increases the strength of fire based magic. Personality: Before his world was destroyed, Ryteb was a playful student. He didn’t think he could compete with Retsam to become the next master so spent his time learning magic in his own way, mostly by pulling pranks on the other two. After the failed experiment, he gained a fear of the dark, and has never gone to sleep without some form of lightsource around him. After his world’s destruction, he maintains the jokey demeanour, but he now has a fire in his heart. Now he seeks to become as strong, if not stronger, than his master so that he can defeat Retsam and avenge both his world and Odin. He tries not to show this, often training in secret to hide his perceived weakness from others.