[color=Yellow][h1]Jack Carver[/h1][/color] [img]http://p1.i.ntere.st/897ab127d0c9c15ffb0c9f5722fd394c_480.jpg[/img] [h2]Cresent High courtyard[/h2][b][/b] Jack was relieved that the conversation was moved to the new student sitting by herself, it was obvious Amelia was still getting over the breakup, in truth Jack was as well, if he could have it any other way he would of swooped her up in his arms the second he saw her. However he knew this is what was right. He walked over, monitoring the situation he could tell that the latino girl was on the defensive. He walked up, noticing slight subtle signs of where she might of lived before moving to Cresent Peaks. [color=yellow]"Hey there, I'm Jack, I'm with the student council here at Cresent high, so if you need anything don't be afraid to ask ok?. Sorry about Riley, she's very quick to notice new people around here. I'm guessing you just moved here from..."[/color] Jack took a second noticing a very New York vibe from her, his novice detective skills coming in handy,[color=yellow]"New York City, am I right?"[/color] Jack looked around not helping but noticing David, the only other guy in their little circle wasn't at school yet, he was usually punctual and not at all late. His gaze focused on the girl with pink hair, she to was alone and couldn't help himself but introduce himself to her aswell. Being part of the student council, Jack had to make an example of greeting new comers to the school. [color=yellow]"If you'll excuse me for a second guys,"[/color] He said to Riley and Amelia, walking to the girl with pink hair.[color=yellow]"Hey there, I'm Jack, student council member. I noticed you're new and just came to say hi and let you know that if you need anything at all let me know."[/color] he said with a friendly smile, holding out his hand to shake the new girls hand.