[hider=My Hider] [center] [h1]Brynhildr[/h1] [h2]The Sorrowful Maiden of War[/h2] [IMG]http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc427/WhatCaMaHoZit/Fate/Servants/image_zpsqnrrfmd7.jpeg[/IMG][/center] [center][b]Class:[/b] Berserker [b]Other Classes:[/b] Lancer, Rider, Caster[/Center] [center][b]Parameters[/b] - Strength: A - Endurance: A+ - Agility: A - Mana: B - Luck: D [/center] [center][b]Background:[/b][/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b][/center] Having been summoned in the Berserker-Class, Brynhildr is even more calm than usual. She rarely speaks to express her thoughts or opinions while engaging her opponents. She is a silent fighter, one bereft of the usual banter, as she boasts through actions rather than through words. Only suffocated, almost inaudible wailing escapes her lips every so often, broken by coarse words, drifting heavily between sandpaper and silken vice. Rarely, she'll laugh...sadly, yet ecstatically, for no apparent reason. Her words sound drained, exhausted and filled with an emptiness she could not explain even if she wanted to. She is a person who loathes her very existence, not only for killing Sigurd and his child, but for feeling deep inside that it may have been the right decision. He had broken his oaths and forced her to break her own, yet she knows...she hated him because she loved him. However, her acceptance of these facts have crumbled over time, and now her insecurities, self-loathing and repressed rage dwell deep inside her. She wishes for love, yet believes herself only deserving of scorn and punishment. She hopes for salvation and forgiveness, yet fears she will be denied both. She wishes to forgive Sigurd, despite all of his betrayals, yet fears she may simply repeat what her heart once thought inevitable. In short, a woman broken by love and betrayal. [center][b]Class Skills:[/b][/center] [b]Mad Enhancement:[/b] Raises basic parameters in exchange of hindering mental capacities. In some cases, also seals away Personal Skills. [list] [*][b]EX:[/b] Rank-Up for all Parameters, but robs most of reason. In the case of Brynhildr, despite the high rank of this skill, it does not appear to rob her of her ability to talk, reason and express herself in a refined manner, and she remains capable of using Magecraft. However, her delusions regarding her lover Sigurd has been pushed to the utmost, causing her to think of any foe she perceives as [i]Male[/i], [i]in Armor[/i] and [i]with a Sword at hand[/i] as Sigurd. She is completely insane in this sense, viewing them all as her lover of yore in the moments he betrayed her, coming again and again to shatter her oaths and her life. [/list] [center][b]Personal Skills:[/b][/center] [b]Divinity:[/b] The measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not [list] [*][b]E:[/b] Though originally a Valkyrie, a minor Goddess of War, Brynhildr was stripped of Godhood when she went against Odin's will. [/list] [b]Riding:[/b] The expertise to ride animals and vehicles. [list] [*][b]A:[/b] As a Valkyrie, Brynhildr possesses a natural affinity for Riding. She was destined to ride across battlefields to collect the souls of fallen heroes, or guide the living to victory from horseback. Occasionally, she also participated as a member of the Wild Hunt. All creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. Not usable under [b]Mad Enhancement[/b]. [/list] [b]Primordial Runes:[/b] The knowledge about Runes that come from an older eras. Those with knowledge of Primordial Runes can also make use of the classic Rune Magic. [list] [*][b]A:[/b] Brynhildr was taught the original runes by the Norse Gods, and was skilled enough in their use to teach even Sigurd the language of the Gods. Though there use requires sealing her second Noble Phantasm, she is an extremely proficient Master, capable of negating the spells of Caster-Class Servants and empower her already tremendous might. Her proficiency is such that she could theoretically erase the population of an entire city. [/list] [b]Mana Burst(Flames):[/b] A version of Mana Burst that infuses weapons with Magical Energy that imparts a flame effect. [list] [*][b]B:[/b] Brynhildr is capable of imbuing her weapon and armor with ghostly fire, as if moonlight itself was burning within them. It increases the destructive capabilities of her weapon and makes it more difficult to attack her directly. These flames are hot enough to melt concrete within two seconds, drenching an entire area in a sea of flames and even evaporating large bodies of water just from being invoked.[/list] [b]Hero's Bridemaid:[/b] Allows for the viewing of another Heroic Spirit's legend. [list] [*][b]N/A:[/b] It is only natural for one meant to watch over hero's to be able to see their legend. Seeing another Servant's skills and identity causes her to adore them if their legend had love in it. Unfortunately, due to being summoned in the Berserker-Class, this skill is no longer usable. [/list] [center][b]Noble Phantasms:[/b][/center] [b]Brynhild Romantia: Until Death Divide the Two Apart[/b] [b]Type:[/b] Anti-Unit [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] 2-10 [b]Number of Targets:[/b] 1 [IMG]http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc427/WhatCaMaHoZit/Fate/Servants/image_zpszthyc3zq.png[/IMG] [quote]The "spear of love and hate" of Brynhildr. Rather than being a true spear, it is a manifestation of her deep affection and hatred towards Sigurd having morphed with the mithril spear she used in life. Due to the betrayal of Sigurd and the subsequent damage to her honor and reputation, it was used out of revenge against him. The spear grows larger and heavier in direct relation to the amount of affection Brynhildr feels for her target. In fact, against some she harbors hatred for it would be rendered entirely unusable. Yet the more her affection for the target rises, the more she loves them, the larger and more destructive [b]Brynhild Romantia[/b] becomes. She clings to her old lover, harboring an unbroken, unyielding love for him even past their deaths. Due to being summoned within the Berserker-Class, it is only usable on those who possess a property that can be linked to Sigurd. If she were to encounter such a foe, [b]Brynhild Romantia[/b] would be several tons heavy, a flick of her wrist capable of rending space itself, shredding an entire street if she so desired. A single target struck by the lance would simply be disintegrated, while a structure like the Temple of Ozymandias would be shaken to it's foundations. In addition, it's destructive power can be further enhanced through the use of her [i]Primordial Runes[/i] and [i]Mana Burst[/i] to destroy her target completely, leaving nothing but ashes. Under the right circumstances, if her love is strong enough, it is said to be capable of slaying even a God. However, against those she genuinely hates, it would have no effect at all.[/quote] [b]Brynhild Komedia: A Journey to Shoel Only for Me[/b] [b]Type:[/b] Anti-County [b]Rank:[/b] A++ [b]Range:[/b] 1-999 [b]Number of Targets:[/b] --- [quote]A Noble Phantasm that invokes the Goddess Freya and allows the Valkyrie to tap into her true potential as a demigodess. It reflects her deep connection to Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility and Love, as well as her own status as an incarnation of War and Death through Love. It also refers to her end, wherein she invoked her powers to destroy every last remnant of Gudrun's family while taking her own life in an immense inferno. It is typically bound by her [i]Primordial Runes[/i], increasing their power while restricting it's use. In the Berserker-Class, it is practically sealed, and can only be unleashed via the use of a Command Spell. It's brilliance conjurs up an image of Venus itself, creating a solid, flaming image of the celestial body in a declaration of dazzling victory that is launched at whatever may lie before Brynhildr. It is a Noble Phantasm that requires roughly two hours to prepare, as it unravels the sealing by weakening her [i]Primordial Runes[/i] and drawing from her core to invoke her power as a Valkyrie. This process slowly assembles a flaming celestial body, reminiscent of the planet Venus, roughly the size of the moon and scalding like hot lava. It is tied directly to Brynhildr, causing her to radiate intense heat, even beyond the norm. Though it will dissipate if she if killed before the preparations are finished, when fully formed it would be capable of whiping out an entire population, erasing a city like Tokyo from the map, while killing billions in the process. Needless to say, it is without a doubt among the greatest Divine Miracles and a true last restort, that would destroy Brynhildr's spiritual core if she used it. In other words, this Noble Phantasm goes hand in hand with her death. [/quote] [/hider]