Name: Xanatos 'Xan' Albrem Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 25 Appearance: [img][/img] Faction: Smugglers Weapons: DL-18 blaster Pistol, 9118 Heavy carbine Equipment/Items: Backstory/Personality: Born on the lawless world of Ord Mantell, Xan has always been associated with smugglers, bounty hunters, and all the spectrum's of scum in the galaxy. Xan started work in a scrap yard at a young age and spent almost all of his spare time building his own creations from the vast amount of scrap at his disposal. Xan had eventually become a mechanical genius and began rebuilding every droid he could get his hands on. He created his own work force of droids that could manage and run the scrap yard. At this point Xan thought it was time he expanded his business off of Ord Mantell and see the rest of the Galaxy. He purchased a junk YT-1930 off of an old freighter pilot which he began to restore to its former glory. But in his search for parts for the freighter, Xan found the remains of an old droid that he had never seen before. He then turned his attention to this droid and repairing it. Through more research he discovered that the droid was an assassin model, part of Project Phlutdroid. He reprogramed the droid to act as more of a body guard and copilot instead of a hunter. Now that he had a ship and a copilot, Xan was ready to take on the Galaxy.