Putting this up so I don't lose it. Detailed bit coming Soon(tm)! [b]Name:[/b] Matthew Souza. [b]Age:[/b] 25. [b]Abstract:[/b] Angry Playboy and Former Militiaman [b]Detail:[/b] Matthew Souza is the very image of "exotic pretty boy". He has bronze, blemish-free skin, wavy black hair, and a dazzling smile that expertly hides the fact that he is actually incredibly nervous at almost any given time. He's rather muscular, in a lean, tough way, and has an easy, casual way of speaking that hardly ever leaves him, even when he's speaking to someone that is technically his superior. Little Matt Souza was born in the slums of Sink, to an absent mother and a father who, try as he might, just couldn't get off the bottle. He grew up a small, unconfident, worried child, never walking so much as scurrying, as the other children often bullied him for the crime of looking different (bronze skin and black hair weren't exactly common traits). Whenever his father came home from work (at a factory that made weapons for the Sink army), he would invariably go straight to the little cabinet where the booze was kept, flop down at the table, and drink his sorrows away. Fortunately, Mr. Souza wasn't so much an angry drunk as a sad one; Matthew would often have to console his father when the man started sobbing about something, usually the wife he apparently drove away. How, he never said; only that she was "far better than I deserved." At around this time, Matt went through puberty. And boy, did it serve him well; he went from someone most people wouldn't look once at, let alone twice, into a pretty boy of epic proportions. Suddenly, everybody loved him. He would often go to the richer parts of Sink to beg for money (Mr. Souza's job didn't pay particularly well), and found that he now earned much more money than before. He put his newfound beauty to good use, milking the "too good for these sinful slums" angle for all it was worth. In fact, he even got invited home by a few nobles for a donation of a more... [i]risque[/i] nature, proposals which he gladly accepted (mostly). But as he continued to beg in the city proper, and watched all the people go by who had so much wealth, and refused to share even a little with the poor boy on the street corner, he felt a little ball of anger form inside him. Why did these people have such riches, while he had barely anything? And for that matter, if they had so much, why did they share so little? Hell, some of them went out of their way to spite him, called him things like "mongrel" and "not worth it". One particularly charming gentleman had even had the nerve to call Matt "subhuman"! What did they do to deserve this? What had [i]he[/i] done to deserve this? Naturally, when a group of people who were sick and tired of the rich being so contacted him, Matthew wasted no time in joining them. Initially, the SLF (Sink Liberation Front) were strictly nonviolent; protests, thievery, and suchlike. Matt had a wonderful time with it; all the adrenaline, coupled with the feeling that they were doing something [i]right[/i], made him feel like he truly belonged with the SLF. Of course, the amount of cute girls who were all too interested in him helped greatly. But as the months wore on, and as the SLF grew ever larger, its leaders began to grow more daring and violent. They began to do things like firebomb the houses of the wealthy, cause a scene specifically so that the guard would be called in (and subsequently killed), or even try to assassinate certain people that they felt had a bit too much influence, or if they had something that one of the leaders especially wanted. In fact, things like the latter became increasingly commonplace; rich people turning up dead, their houses ransacked and servants - or even their family - indiscriminately slaughtered, all topped off with a note: "This house and its contents have been reclaimed for the people by the SLF." Truth be told, Matt was beginning to get cold feet about the whole thing. Even as the SLF's leaders broadcasted that they were getting ever closer to truly being able to "fix" Sink, Matt saw through the wool they had pulled over his eyes, and knew that they were no better than the nobles and millionaires they purportedly fought against, and in some ways were even worse. So one night, he gathered all of his belongings and snuck out of the SLF's main base, where all of its members were required to live. He was caught, and executed. The SLF has no use for traitors. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wopMtfHDi6U]Hurricane, by Panic! At the Disco[/url]