[h1][center][color=yellow]Beauty[/color] & her [color=tan]Beast[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/3fde3591c066d47e83d144f3386250fb/tumblr_inline_myg7tzIyy01s9qm5f.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/eB9RiW96eul9e/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Madame Fae's Bar and Diner[/i][/center][hr][hr] Adam started at the sound of the crash and quickly looked over towards the door in time to see a familiar face hurrying in. He quickly straightened his posture and cleared his throat at her sopping appearance. His eyes followed her and he gave a sideways grin at her rambling. The woman always managed to put a smile on his face, whether she meant to or not. He couldn't deny that Rapunzel was one of the many reasons he favored the diner so often. She was a nice refreshing breath of air. As she continued to stumble about, she finally turned her attention to him. He glanced down at the mugs that were placed in front of him and kept his eyes averted when she turned away. Adam kept the thoughts to himself of what her wet clothing was doing. Clearing his throat, he ran a hand through his long locks to push them away from his face. And then she was back to pour the addicting liquid into the empty mugs before him. He went to speak to her, as he did all mornings, when she turned from him to speak to Ariel. Blowing out a breath, he grabbed the cups and turned to leave when she once more addressed him. He tried to hide a cringe at the word 'wife', but failed. Looking over his shoulder at Beauty, who was still making glances towards Phillip, he rolled his eyes before glancing back at Rapunzel. [color=tan]"None for me, but I'm sure Beauty could use some sweetener. Thanks."[/color][hr] Rapunzel's entrance did not get past Beauty. She rolled her eyes at the scene before glancing back at her menu. [color=yellow]"Could she be any more dramatic?"[/color] Shaking her head, she set the menu down and huffed out a breath in annoyance. It was taking way too long for service around here. Sure, everyone was up early and concerned about the weakling's disappearance, but that didn't mean Beauty had to starve because of it. Resting her arms on the table, she glanced around the diner at everyone who had shown. Her eyes went to Sherlock and she rose a brow as she studied it. She wasn't quite sure what to make of the person, but they were definitely the type who could qualify as clinical insane. With another shake of her head, her attention turned towards the rest of the bar. Tinker and Peter, their little coyish flirts. Ariel, her all innocent naivety. She finally noticed the way her Beast was acting. Something was different, and it was a display she was all too familiar with; he was trying to look impressive. More princely, if you would. His back was straightened, his hair pushed away from his face, his shoulders pushed back. And his attention completely on Rapunzel. Interesting. With a smirk, she leaned back against her seat and raised her voice at the question that was posed. [color=yellow]"Yes, his wife would love some cream and sugar, thank you. What a dear of you to ask."[/color][hr][hr] [h1][center][color=cyan]Ariel[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/f5297e50-e7aa-474b-8a2e-ce0cbf08293e/5baa3963-b4dd-4baf-bfcf-452fec8621d7.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Madame Fae's Bar and Diner[/i][/center][hr][hr] Jumping slightly at Rapunzel's entrance, she couldn't help but be concerned. Usually her friend was more put together and less chaotic, yet this morning proved to be getting under everyone's nerves. She quickly moved out of her seat and grabbed some napkins to clean up the small drippings of water on the bar. Anything she could do to help, she was the girl for the job. Once she was satisfied that all was well again, she returned to her seat and smiled at Adam. He was a burly man, but she did feel sorry for him. He always seemed rather sad when Ariel thought he should be happy. There really weren't many people who had been able to bring their loved ones with them to this new world. At least he still was able to have his wife with him. And yet...he was showing more attention to her friend, then he ever had to his wife. Quirking a brow at the interaction between Rapunzel and Adam, she tilted her head in observation. She still wasn't able to fully understand the social cues from the opposite sex, nor her own for that matter. As she worked with underwater life all day, her skills hadn't fully involved. The one man whom she had ever loved turned out to not love her, even though she thought he had. So...She really couldn't trust what she was sensing from Adam. The sound of her name returned her focus to one of her best friends. With a large grin, she was about to answer when once again Rapunzel turned to Adam. Ariel looked like a gaping fish. Closing her mouth, she looked over her shoulder at Beauty when the woman spoke. She couldn't help a grin; the woman was such a kind-hearted soul. With a nod of her head, she looked back at Rapunzel and cleared her throat. [color=cyan]]"I'll take a hot chocolate whenever you get the chance. I don't have to be at the aquarium for another hour or so and I really don't need the added caffeine. Although it smells absolutely heavenly."[/color]