[center][color=pink][h2]Cloe Smith[/h2][/color] [img]http://rs281.pbsrc.com/albums/kk212/ricky_girl/Anime/anime-1.jpg~c200[/img][/center] [color=pink][h2]Courtyard/cafeteria[/h2][/color] As the clock ticked down to that dredded first bell, Cloe was just head deap in her phone, music full blast. She hoped this would repel anyone who wanted to talk to her. She noticed a blonde haired girl walk over to where the blonde boy and red head where. She swore she could hear the silent tension in the air when they greeted each other. She ignored the group, when they walked over to the Hispanic girl was and started talking to her. [color=pink][i]'Must know her...'[/i][/color] She continued on her phone till a shadow appeared over her. She unplugged her headphones and looked at the towering blonde boy. [color=yellow]"Hey there, I'm Jack, student council member. I noticed you're new and just came to say hi and let you know that if you need anything at all let me know."[/color] the boy said to her, smile and all, extending his hand towards her. She grabbed the hand and instead of shaking it she used him to pull herself up. [color=pink]"I'm Cloe, Cloe Smith. A pleasure to meet you."[/color] Her accent was definitely noticable, [color=pink]"I'm in Junior year i think, still not sure how the American school system works."[/color] she was lying, she just wanted to act cute in front of the handsome teen in front of her. She showed him her timetable and asked where to go, it was pretty simple but she did this to flirt. Then suddenly a boy in a beanie ran up to Jack announcing his presence calling his mother a bitch. [color=pink]"You really shouldn't disrespect your mother you know,"[/color] she said oblivious to the camera in her face, she was blinded by the flash a little but shook it off and angrily said, [color=pink]"Whats the big deal, shoving a camera in my face without my permission!"[/color] This caught the boy known as David off gaurd and her hastily replied that he was with the yearbook. [color=pink]"Still, you should of asked first."[/color] she said pouting, she looked back at Jack and asked, [color=pink]"So where am i going first today?"[/color]