[hr][hr] [h1][color=cyan][center]Samantha Hunter[/center][/color][/h1] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/638312d9397984abd68f8de61ad10b7f39321223/687474703a2f2f34392e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f37326339393161383962336463636162666564633031356334303437323833362f74756d626c725f6e327a36726f6b345255317275347469666f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img] [i]Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's Interacting With:[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Samantha groaned rather loudly as she opened up her eyes and looked up at the sky the sun beating down on her face, she slowly got and cracked her neck. She certainly didn't have a good nights sleep, sleeping in a small cramped car wasn't really the most comfortable thing you could sleep in. Sam reached over for her car keys as well as her room keys and sighed rather loudly, she remembered that she still had her camera still in her room. Remembering the day before it was a rather weird hearing that voice after going through the footage as well as seeing that demonic face in her computer screen. Sam opened the door of her car and stretched slightly letting out a loud yawn as she closed the car door behind her and locked it up. She started to make her way back into the building of Aunt Sue's and made her way towards her room. Sam sighed and groaned again she was nervous of going back in. [color=cyan]"It's just in and out.."[/color] Samantha said to herself as she quickly opened the door and made her way towards the bedroom where she had her camera and quickly got out and closed the door behind her. She didn't hear the voice at least for now, as Samantha turned around and made her way back out of the building. She looked down at her stomach and could feel it grumbling and decided to get herself some breakfast, as Samantha made her way across the street she noticed what appeared to be a crime scene of some kind. Samantha quickly opened up the camera and started to try and get some shots of what was going on. Then she looked over seeing the woman Scarlett from the day before and decided to approach the woman. [color=cyan]"Heya, remember me from yesterday?"[/color] Samantha asked looking at the woman and her dog. [color=cyan]"Whats going on here?"[/color]