Done, feel free to use as example. [hider=603rd Cadian "Emperor's Chosen"] [center][h1]603[sup]rd[/sup] Cadian Regiment "Emperor's Chosen"[/h1] [img][/img][/center] [hr][hr] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The 603rd Cadian, also known as the "Emperor's Chosen", is an Imperial Guard regiment who has been combined with other guard regiments from both Cadia and other worlds many multiple times over leading to an interesting mix of cultures and genders in their ranks.[/indent] [h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Given the many different places and backgrounds of the people amongst the 603rd, there's both a mixture and gradients in beliefs and cultures in the 603rd. However, distilled into each one of the soldiers is unwavering faith in the God-Emperor, spurred on by the words and hymns of the Priests who accompany them. Tactically the 603rd is diverse as well, capable of pulling out many moments of genius that most do not expect from a guard regiment hailing from Cadia.[/indent] [h2][b][u]APPERANCE[/u][/b][/h2] [center][img][/img][/center] [indent]Human make up the vast majority of the men and women of the regiment with appearances as diverse as their cultures. Some are fairly standard looking guardman with nothing too special about them while some are feral worlders taught how to shoot and are covered in ritual tattoos and piercings. The official standard uniform for the regiment is a grey-silver Cadia-pattern Flak Armor with durable brown canvas tunics and pants. OF course, given the sheer variety of people in the regiment, the chest piece and sometimes the shoulder/shin guards are the only unifying piece of their equipment, the clothing under each person's armor (assuming they wear any) tends to differ greatly.[/indent] [h2][b][u]RESOURCES[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Occupying Sector 9 (the Den), the Guard have access to a hefty stockpile of additional scrap and other material supplies to be used in wartime construction and fabrication seeing as the the previous human owner of the room was quite the nerd into wargames and such. Beyond that, there is plentiful dust and fabric like materials, wood materials, several boxes and containers as well as "deposits of metals" (coins).[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The command structure of the 603rd is fairly typical of a guard regiment. At the very top is General Bathal "Daemonbane" Karthis with his advisors. Under the General is the Company Command squads and then the Platoon Command Squads before it just goes to individual squads. Beyond the usual infantry command structure is tank and artillery battalions as well as additional supporting elements like elite infantry and rough riders, lead by their own commanders who report to General Karthis.[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEGACY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Originally raised on Cadia as part of a crusading force, the 603rd would be combined with multiple remnants and elements of other deplete regiments as the crusade wore on and the regiments had to be consolidated. Nowadays, its common practice for the regiment to take on the survivors of other regiments leading to their very mixed regimental culture.\ In reality, the regiment's diverse nature is due to its creation, its person behind them having to buy various other models to bring their army list up to full strength.[/indent] [h2][b][u]UNITS[/u][/b][/h2] [indent][h3][sub]Infantry[/sub][/h3] [list][*]1,289 Guardsmen w/ various special and heavy weapons [*]231 Veterans [*]67 Ogryns [*]18 Ogryn Bone 'Eads[/list] [h3][sub]Fast Attack[/sub][/h3][list] [*]19 Venators [*]34 Sentinels (Lascannon, Flamers, Heavy Bolter) [*]23 Hellhounds (Flamer)[/list] [h3][sub]Aircraft[/sub][/h3][list] [*]4 Valkyrie Dropships [*]2 Vulture Gunships[/list] [h3][sub]Transport & Utility[/sub][/h3] [list][*]50 Chimeras [*]30 Tauroxes [*]3 Trojan Support Vehicle [*]8 Centaur Utility Vehicle [*]3 Atlas Recovery Tank [*]6 Sentinel Powerlifter [*]2 Sky Talon Transport Aircraft [/list] [h3][sub]Armored Support[/sub][/h3] [list][*]5 Hydra Flak Tank (Quad Autocannons) [*]24 Basilisks [*]9 Griffon Heavy Mortar Carriers[/list] [h3][sub]Leman Russ Variants[/sub][/h3] [list][*]12 Punisher (Minigun) [*]19 Demolisher (Siege Mortar) [*]23 Exterminator (Dual Auto-Cannon) [*]36 Standard (Battle Cannon) [/list] [h3][sub]Super Heavies[/sub][/h3] [list][*]3 Macharius Vanquisher (Dual Battle Cannon) [*]2 Macharius Vulcan (Dual Megabolter Miniguns) [*]1 Baneblade [i]"Righteous Divinity"[/i] [/list][/indent] [/hider]