Crossing one arm across his chest while gripping his chin with the other, Izaroth went into contemplation for a moment, closing his eyes as he did so. "Well, if Trunks wants us to be ready for something, going into a full blown training session might be counterproductive to that. I say we wander around a bit, get to know some of the locals. Hopefully there won't be as many Glacias out there who'd prefer to try to punch our lights out at the first meeting." Izaroth said, reopening his eyes and returning his arms to his sides. "At the same time though, I still need to teach you the Vanish technique, just so you can quickly get out of harm's way. I'll explain it as we go. Probably can't hurt to take inventory of what supplies we can get to take into the field, either." Izaroth said, as he began to walk towards the watery gate. [i]"It's going to be an interesting experience, of that, I am certain. The opportunity to fight across time itself doesn't come every day, afterall."[/i]