[@Willy Vereb]Well no, the thing is that if your ships are the size of a normal person (normal for this RP anyways), that means your crew must be tiny. They amount of difficulty they would have navigating the house on foot would be astronomical. Although their size and thus consumption and living space required would be small, it would mean that they could produce very little compared in comparison to that of the other factions. They would be functionally economically irrelevant resource wise since yes they wouldn't take up as much space and stuff but their scale to the other humans/races means they literally cannot keep up production to the level of everyone else. About the ship, not sure about the lore and fluff on Galactic Heroes, but they wouldn't be in any way shape or form comparable to even a tank from any of the other factions (or similar heavy armor ranged units). While I take it that they can do some pretty amazing damage in their own lore, the fact is that since the weapons are downsized so much, they wouldn't do nearly as much damage in comparison. Hell, people wouldn't dedicated anti-air/space ship stuff, at your size, just some well aimed shots could do serious damage to your ships while the shooters would take comparably less damage (loosing infantry vs loosing entire ships). If we were to bring stuff like guided missiles/seeking rocket/dedicated AA into the equation, it would basically be a turkey shoot roflstomp against you. Funnily enough , there is something called W40k Epic where you take titans of massive proportions (the largest of which can have entire city blocks on them) and using extremely scaled down models (normally these things are like the size of skyscrapers but now there like <28mm). Not all too relevant actually, just something I connected in my head :lol