[color=7bcdc8][b][h3]Aquamarine[/h3][/b][/color] Aquamarine turned to a familiar voice, one that had not long ago asked to have their spot stay hidden. She now looked to the white gem, staring into those vast yellow eyes that stared at her to await an answer to an impossible question. How did one go about something as complex as feelings if it had never been felt? It broke her heart to gaze into this young ones eyes and know that even curiosity wasn't in them. It wasn't like she was stalling or unwilling to reply but it was definitely difficult and rather than explaining feelings themselves, a different approach was most likely necessary in this situation. [color=7bcdc8]"That is sort of a difficult question if you have never...felt or had a feeling. Instead of following what you feel is right, I will ask you some different questions. Do you want to be ordered? If you were ordered to destroy another gem or even walk to your own destruction, would that be fine with you? Would you be alright with following blindly? Or would you rather be asked to do something and be given a choice to follow? Do you think it would be better for you to be ordered but know that it is your own choice to follow? If direct orders and doing as your told sounds right than Bloodstone would most likely be a better one to join with. If you want to make your own choices and be a part of a group instead of completely under someone's rule than with us is where you would belong."[/color] It wasn't even seconds before she was finished speaking that the yellow gem with Blood spoke up and claimed alliance with him. She gave a light nod and replied,[color=7bcdc] I wish you luck. It was an honor to have been your protector even for a short time.[/color] That being said, it hurt to see them leave but she wouldn't and couldn't make them stay. She was however protective still and the words of Chromite had ice crawling slightly up her arm which she dulled down quickly, one because she didn't want to start a fight and two because Blood rejected the idea. It was clear that Verdelite wasn't buying into Blood's elegant words, the reason why was still unknown to her but she was grateful that at least she could keep one of them safe. It was when Verdelite was grab that Aqua stepped forward, ready to fight and already strategizing of ways to split the two up without hurting the newborn in the process. Luckily, it was over before it started and Blood was already head off with the two younglings and Chromite with mentions of something headed for town. She looked to the newborns, not wanting any of them to be harmed by a corrupted gem and at the same time the town would need help. [color=00aeef]"Carnelian."[/color] Sodalite said as she looked to the red gem before continuing to speak once she had the other gems attention. [color=00aeef]"We can do two things. You can charm your way through this and help Aqua and the Gemlings, while I go into town assess the problem there. Or, you go into town and assess the problem, and I stay here with Aqua."[/color] [color=7bcdc8]"I believe the best form of action would be for the two of you to face what is coming to town together. I can heal and put up defensive ice with a group of this size. Once the gems that wish to stay with us have been delivered to the temple then I will be able to join you both. A corrupted gem could be some trouble and the town will be in better shape with two defenders, especially if Blood decides to join in the fun. A fusion could also be necessary and that is impossible alone. I don't doubt both of your abilities alone but as the humans say,it is better to be safe than sorry. Young gems, if you wish to go with me than we will be heading out soon as well and I will lead you to our home. You are more than welcome to stay here but it isn't safe. If you wish to go with Blood then hurry by his side."[/color] [hr] [color=f7976a][b][h3]Maeve[/h3][/b][/color] Maeve gasped in a sharp breath at the mention of her freckles and placed a hand quickly to her cheek.She had completely forgotten to cover them since she had been hoping to speak with the gems about herself. It was easier to show who you really are instead of being false, which for once she didn't want to do. A soft smile made her way onto her features before she spoke, voice filled with emotion.[color=f7976a]"Starburst...I love it. As for my freckles they have always been this way. As for why I was speaking with the blue gem, well that is kind of hard explanation to explain."[/color] She listened to Reggie's reply to the other guy with them and thought really quick about the fact she couldn't always summon a weapon. Maybe she could have Reggie or his father help her with that. Of course she didn't have much but she could figure that out later if it would work for her. It would give her father some relief as well if she was going to fight for this town.[color=f7976a]"I would love to take a gander as well if you are offering Reggie. It sounds really fascinating and I want to know more if you have the time."[/color]