[h3]OSDT [i]Jannah[/i] - Martian Sphere[/h3] The disgusting scent of cooked flesh and blood mixed with steel was the first thing to hit Stronin as he approached the relatively-intact Bradley that the Paper Tiger team had salvaged from the battlefield. The second was no less a vehicle for potential trauma, being the sight of what remained of the unfortunate pirate after the Rising Star had thrust her hot, hard rod deep into his quibbling meat, utterly ravaging his body with reckless abandon. It was rather unpleasant, and Stronin justly had to look away from the unrecognisable cockpit, plucking a clothes peg from his pockets to snap onto his nose to keep the smell out. Which was actually a pretty stupid decision in hindsight, because now his nose was hurting like hell. "Gohddammit, chief," he muttered out, words slightly distorted by the presence of a clothing peg on his nose. "Ahketchy wasn't jokin' when she sed he was a burger." It was his unfortunate responsibility, you see, to oversee the cleaning and repairs of the Bradley for both research and deployment purposes. Having another modern HFV for use was a godsend for the economically disadvantaged OSDT, especially after the loss of the Yukine during the skirmish with the pirates. That the Paper Tiger team had retrieved it relatively intact (with most of the damage restricted to the cockpit and surrounding areas) helped too, because that meant they'd be able to spend less money on repairs. Not that it wasn't a pain to fix up. Stronin unclipped the peg from his nose, brow wrinkling in both pain and disgust, now that he was once again exposed to the scent of dead people. "Alright guys, we'll start by pulling the cockpit out. The quicker I can avoid puking my guts out, the better off we all are."