Nakera followed the blonde man at a safe distance. Something about his mannerisms felt dangerous and barely contained. If she hadn't seen him gut a man with his knife and grin while blasting another to bits with his strange gun, she would have been fooled by his charms. That said, he wasn't trying to kill, rape, or eat her, so that was a step up from some of the people she'd been kidnapped by. As she walked, she found the remnants of a battle. Among the dead was the Jailer. He wasn't quite gone yet - pale from blood loss and riddled with stubber holes. One of his legs looked like shredded beef. He grabbed her leg as they walked past, choking out a bit of breath. "H...Help me..." he choked. His lips coated themselves with blood as he struggled to breathe. His grip was weak and she broke away from it quickly. Her skin absolutely crawled at the idea of him touching her. She spit on him and very nearly gave him a kick before she realized that Kaicero was beginning to outpace her if she dawdled anymore. She could hear him whimpering his last as she walked away. They heard the explosion coming from the control center and very eagerly increased their pace. The locked door was between them and the room full of gunfire. Quickly, Nakera ran to the manual override panel - a small box covered in scrolls with the crest of the Omnissiah on it's surface. The thick steel was impossible to pry open without power tools but the box itself was a complex lock. With a prayer, she awoke the Machine Spirit within and begged it's cooperation. She struck the appropriate runes, sating the spirit's curiosity. In return, the Machine whirred and clicked, opening itself and revealing the lever that would release the massive pressures sealing the door shut. With a prayer, and a pull, Nakera yanked the valve open. The door to the Comms Room opened with a hiss and the smell of death, explosives, and ionized air filled the hallway. She stepped in to see the Krieger standing over the massive xenos. She raised her hands in panic, not wanting him to shoot her. Why she thought it wold be a good idea to go in first was beyond her. Kaicero had shown her the strange symbol he wore and sure enough this soldier bore it as well. "Wait wait! Don't shoot! I'm a prisoner!" she said, stepping past and across the room. She knew Kaicero was on her heels - he'd be able to clear things up. Right now she was more occupied with the console of blinking red lights across the room. Nothing should make that console light up like that. She had no real training on the maintenance and repair of the Colony's main reactor, but she knew when it's primary safety panel was screaming for aid. She nearly slipped and fell on the pile of gore that was the two pirates thrown into the console by the grenade Phant had thrown. She stopped short for only a moment, barely able to contain the wretch trying to force her to her knees. She hadn't eaten today, so at least she couldn't throw up. Once she controlled her stomach, she pulled a wire and plugged into the console, greeting the Machine Spirit with a few uttered prayers. Her eyes rolled into her head as she merged her mind with the computer. The panicked alarms it was sounding made her heart race and sweat bead on her forehead. She could feel it's fear, the Machine Spirit, and could see that she why. Of the eight main plasma reactors that powered the facility, four had their safeties removed and were spinning up for a melt down. "Oh Throne..." she muttered, half in and half out of reality. She couldn't do anything from here. Hell, she probably couldn't do anything from THERE. Someone would need to stop him. Emergency procedures allowed her to purge four of the reactors. If a fifth started overloading, she risked blowing up the facility by purging them - not to mention destroying any hope of this place running ever again. If nothing was done...well... Maybe being free floating ions wasn't such a bad life...