[center][hider=Pinglist][@RedXCross][@Framing A Moose][@sakurasan][@Ashevelendar][@Inertia][@McHaggis][@Melo][@Redrum][@Dusksong][@RedDusk][@Shadow Daedalus][@Filthy Mudblood][@HowlsOfWinter][@13org][@Sarcelle Renard][@BlackPanther][@Write][@Angel Eyes][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/142991-starkissed/ooc]INT[/url][/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nGJh8jW.png[/img] [color=cccccc][sub][i]Arranged from North to South[/i][/sub][/color] [color=cccccc]The roleplay will start in the Tribal era, during spring. The Clans have gathered in the midlands for a celebration that happens once every five years. It is an event that both has religious significance, to ask for protection and good fortune from the spirits of the world, as well as politically motivated. It is a time to bind Clans together in comaraderie to prevent war, building bridges between clans and reminding them of the blessings of peace. Any celebrations that would usually take place during the year are postponed to add to this event. Betrothals, weddings and coming of age ceremonies are common to see among the festivities during this time. [/color][hider=Clans] [b][h3]Craenak Clan:[/h3][/b] [hider=Clan Symbol][img]http://i.imgur.com/doVQw1S.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=cccccc] Notable Mentions: [b]Vadik[/b]: Chieftan's Champion Craenak is located furthest North compared to other tribes, its hardy men and women craving out a bloody existence among the harsh snowy mountains. The temperature barely hovers above zero at any given time of the day, so the tribe adapted in the form of warm fur clothing and sturdy, heavily fortified settlements. Due to the unforgiving nature of their surroundings, the Craenak has long given up on the futile tasks of farming, but instead they have turned to hunting and trading valuable commodities such as ores and furs for other goods. Given the numerous species of bizarre beasts that roam the mountains, Craenak breeds peerless monster hunters and exceptional warriors to combat this threat. However, the steep learning curve of these professions kept their number small, so it is not often to see members of the Craenak away from their precious mountains, with the exceptions of the rare trading trips and gatherings of the clans. Though a practical people, the Craenak does hold ceremonies for certain deities. [/color] [b][color=D17B0F][h3]Wolfrahg Clan:[/h3][/color][/b] [hider=Clan Symbol][img]https://i.gyazo.com/2bdd8e61c046531250ad893c2f3f59d9.png[/img][/hider] [color=cccccc] Notable Mentions: [b]Rimguage[/b]: Heir to the Tribe [b]Stalana[/b]: Tribe Healer [b]Valerie:[/b] Head Scout [b]NPCs:[/b] [i]May Melra and Relmir[/i] [i]Dala, Master Healer[/i] Run by May Melra and Relmir, forth of his name. This Northern clan gets snowstorms with rough autumns and winters, but experience cool springs and warmish summers. The camp itself is on highground in a clearing surrounded by woodland to the east and west, with a good view over the plains to the south and mountains to the north. They do not live at the end of the world, and there is vast expanses of land to the North, though few from Wolfrahg have bothered to travel so far north over such dangerous terrain. They have little care for the written word and are in some ways underdeveloped compared to other Tribes, but they are a suspesticious lot and fiercely loyal to each other.[/color] [color=cccccc][b][h3][color=lightpink]Abaneki Tribe:[/color][/h3][/b] [hider=Clan Symbol][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/.eJwNxtsOQDAMANB_2ftWlBJ_U9UxjMUlkYh_5zydx1z7Yloznmc6WoDDRu0DW2EZ1fKcuRTWEAcnW4SKyhtqBq-A-McrYs5Nz0hCRFh2LF5ZOqrqgtyUBvN-Ab0eag.MsOaMWbCVMWG9MK_jTu2RhpB-jY?width=210&height=249[/img][/hider] Notable Mentions: [b]Xena[/b]: Female Heir to the Tribe*(*if last surviving heir) [b]NPCs:[/b] Chieftan and two male heirs The Abaneki Tribe is located somewhere in the northern east. The village is hidden away, surrounded by large trees, rare flowers, and different bodies of water. The tribe is known for the beauty of its surroundings. The Abaneki Falls is located in the heart of the village, which is truly a wonderful sight to behold. The Abaneki tribe is quite hidden away, and only those who know how to travel there can find it easily. For this reason - and the beautiful voices of the tribe - much superstition surrounds them. It is said that their ancestors were sirens and beautiful sprites of the forest, that they have faeblood in their veins. The clan has access to many books, even ones dating back to a thousand years. The women of the village excel in arts and music. Men, on the other hand, are skilled at hunting and fighting. To fight and hunt is a man's job, while women are not allowed to pick up a weapon, so as not to taint their "purity". Men of this tribe are also known for their chivalry.[/color] [b][color=peru][h3]The Roamwyns:[/h3][/color][/b] [color=cccccc]Notable Mentions: [b]Ophelia[/b]: Farmer Roamwyn is a fortuotous clan located in the rolling plains and pastures of the mid-south, notable for it's miles and miles of golden wheats and pastures. It experiences varied weather and temperature throughout the year, and a rich variety of both flora and fauna. One can see for miles, as much of the land is flat with little rises and falls. It is a beautiful place gifted with much workable farmland, which Roamwyn is famous for. Roamwyn itself is a medium sized clan spread over a very large territory. While the land itself is not too defensible, they are a lucky bunch, and there are plenty of defensible woodlands, rivers and mountains at their borders. The clan itself is quite spread out, peace loving, and laid back in nature. The comparetively easy life of theese particular plains combined with few reckless or evil magical creatures have given these people the oppurtunity to kick back and enjoy the world. Furthermore, they are considered to be quite advanced by tribal era standards - even having a form of written word and horse-drawn carts. As it is, their carefree relationship to the world has slowed their advancements on all fronts, both science, literature, war and trade. They make enough food for themselves with excess, and generally live off the trade with little extra difficulty. Despite all this the most famous trait of the Roamwyn, apart from their good luck and laid-back nature, is their skill at storytelling and ballads. While they are quite spread out and rarely come together as a tribe, they value and celebrate company when they come across it and make good of it with songs, beer, stories and games.[/color] [color=Purple][b][h3]Altose:[/h3][/b][/color] [i]Little is known about the Altose...[/i] [color=cccccc]A matriachal clan known for it's witchcraft and interaction with both good magic, and ill. They are a reclusive bunch living beyond the Cursed Lands and before the desert. Little is known about them, as they are reclusive in nature, but they are thought to be a smaller clan compared to others - accounts cannot be verified, however. Strange stories drift on the wind about these lot, and those who tread unwelcome into their territory simply do not return to tell the tale. As such superstition and heresay surrounds them, and their very name is considered to be a curse when uttered. Often, a room will fall to eerie silence if they are so much as mentioned or illuded to in conversation. Rarely do they involve themselves with the politics of other Clans, they seem to find their fellow humans obsession with it distateful and unwise. Still, they send an emissary or two to the Gatherings, though usually they do not stay for the duration of the gathering. It is usually one of the Wise Women, the great Crones, practically already dust by age, who will come down through the mountains and attend to some of the religious ceremonies in the Gathering...[/color] [h3][b][color=D8BFD8]Hollafoth[/color][/b][/h3] [hider=Clan Symbol] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1kasnqX.png[/img] [/hider] [color=cccccc]Notable Mentions: [b]Cespheus I:[/b] King [b]Cespheus II:[/b] Heir to the Throne [b]Wale Magnorium:[/b] Head of the Noble Guard [b]Philia Va Lu:[/b] King's Advisor and Mystic [b]Ioan du Van Nostrade:[/b] King's Ward [b]Ruled by Four Main Noble Families:[/b] The Cespheus Clan(no surname), The Magnorium, The Va Lu, and The Nostrade. Residing on the west midcoast, Hollafoth is a small, but militarized coastal village along the ocean, known for being one of the the only coastal and port village of the region and specializing in the trade of resources and cultivated textiles(at least of what was known and available). Furthermore, as the only port town, its proximity next to the ocean has allowed the village to maximize on fishing. The village, one of the few villages to have developed a written form of their language, 'Talah', have an oceanic environment. There is little to no foliage within the actual village, but surrounding it are wet sands, coastal rocks, and trees normally associated with coastal areas. The air is generally moist, and rain is the most common and frequent form of weather there, causing the village to often be shrouded in a mist. Seagulls, and other aquatic life can be seen frequently. The village itself is ruled by a king(though chief is an interchangeable term as well). And despite the era, and being small in comparison to other nations, their military is superior to most, and the residents live under a relatively fair, but strict ruling. Unlawful behavior shall be met with grave punishment. In this sense, the village is somewhat socially industrialized, even for their primitive times. The ports are highly secured(as best as they can be), as is the rest of the village, and those who enter must be cautious of their actions, as the Noble Guard are everywhere and always watching. The folks of this village are known for their distinctive(japanese-esque style of wear) clothes, simplistic primitive kimonos made of fur and extremely thin cloth thats wrapped around their bodies. Many of the folks adorn themselves with seaweed and shells that have been strung together. However, the general atmosphere of the townsfolk is not very friendly, as they don't take kindly to newcomers out of fear that they will corrupt and ruin their village. They generally keep to themselves and leave new arrivals to the Noble Guard. Most of the decisions in the village are made by the King's Mystic, Philia Va Lu. She is highly intelligent and in touch with the occult. Gren, head of the guard, maintains the safety and the general order of the village and of those who enter and leave. The village has a unique custom of giving a single pearl to the person that you love, in hopes that they will accept you. The shinier, brighter, and cleaner the pearl, the more likely they will accept you. Furthermore, this is the same village that hunted the merfolk many years ago.[/color] [b][color=55C602][h3]Longear Tribe:[/h3][/color][/b] [hider=Clan Symbol][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/15/e6/6b/15e66b8c738802497c1ac83d97973dae.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=cccccc] Notable Mentions: [b]Flydren[/b]: Heir to the Tribe [b]Kanza[/b]: Head Advisor [b]Eilidh Ua Briain[/b]: Healer Despite their name they are not elves in the literal sense, instead it is the tribes natural beauty and flawless traits that bore a semblance to the elves touted in fairytales, although it is only in appearance and fighting style do they cross. They are well known as a tribe that mainly used bows to hunt and has, for many decades, passed down it's teachings from generation to generation. Their aim is said to be steadfast and true. The tribe hails from the Southern forests, notorious in rich herbs, wildlife and sturdy trees. Not many can contend their lands as they know the dense forests like the back of their hands, reportedly using the layout to enact surprise attacks, defense and even guerrilla tactics. Despite their alluring visage, many rumours float around of their merciless nature, stating that if you try and treat the land without respect, you shall be hunted down without leniency. It is considered tradition to learn the way of the bow, and to give praise but not worship the 'Goddess of Marksmanship - Artemis', whom was said to have descended and taught the Longear tribes herself and from them on is taught from word of mouth.[/color] [color=CA10BA][b][h3]Rumasra Tribe:[/h3][/b][/color] [hider=clan symbol][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/132204262/large.png[/img][/hider] [color=cccccc]Notable Mentions: [b]Numas[/b]: Witchdoctor Rumasra is a small tribe of people that finds their proficiency in the marshlands. Most know the properties of common plants by the time they can stand, and many others learn quickly how to navigate the wet marshs without sinking or tripping. They aren't an extremely spiritually driven group, though they do believe that the nature around them is carried by spirits acting on their own. Some people will pray to these spirits before heading out on hunting or scavenging trips, and only a few others will call out to the Gods above. Otherwise their failing point as a tribe comes from combat. While they do have a general and some know how to fight, it is usually inefficient. They lack the skill or ability to fight back head-to-head, so they usually rely on their marshy terrain to get the upper hand. Most know how to swim through the rivers and how to fish. Ultimately the tribe counts on all their people being able to engage in these tasks so they can all survive together. In recent years a character named Numas has been helping a few people question their understandings of the universe, by leading them into the wilderness and having ceremonies under the stars. Many of these ceremonies involve strange incense that enhance though processes and cause spiritual hallucinations. [/color] [color=orangered][b][h3]The Karill:[/h3][/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Notable Mentions: [b]Narcissa:[/b] Chieftan's Daughter [b]Raydon[/b]: Slaver's Bodyguard A sprawling desert clan to the far east, they are difficult to contact due to the vast deserts one must cross in order to even reach their territory. Known for a brutal lifestyle and a prolific slavetrade, the Karill are frequently crushing slave uprisings and instigating brutal sports such as Pitfighting. [/color] [b][h3]Currently Travelling:[/h3][/b] [color=cccccc][b]Alexis Hunter:[/b] Mercenary [b]Floran Cestanz:[/b] Mercenary [b]Bahji:[/b] Traveller [b]Khyrian Faurus:[/b] Hunter and Trader [b]Persephone:[/b] [/color] [color=black][b][h2]Extinct Tribes:[/h2][/b][/color] [color=CCCCCC][b][h3][s]Kurthos Tribe[/s][/h3][/b][/color] - [color=Blueviolet]cursed[/color]: [color=cccccc]The Kurthos Clan was a powerful south-eastern mountain tribe, now a charred wasteland. Like most clans, they raised strong warriors and skilled hunters, but were also a spiritually guided clan devoted to following the gods that govern the natural world. As such they had a prominent respect for the word of the Tribe Shaman, who was in charge of blessing the Tribe's hunting trips and protecting them from harsh spirits. The tribe is known for being quite superstitious, purifying children known as "Ashen Ones" who they believed are marked with the evil of the world. This clan is now extinct following a bloodthirsty battle that culminated in the arson of the entire district. It is said the old camp is haunted by the spirits of the damned, re-enacting the last moments of their deaths.[/color] [color=CCCCCC][b][h3][s]Pathel Tribe[/s][/h3][/b][/color] - [color=greenyellow]reclaimed by nature[/color]: [color=cccccc]The Pathel Tribe was a proud south-eastern people of similar strength and number to Kurthos. There were no survivors following the battle of Kurthos. The land of Pathel is now a ghost wasteland, many neighbouring clans now consider it to be a offering to the Magical Creatures that live in the area. They have moved in and taken over.[/color] [color=cccccc][b][h3][s]Marlentz Clan[/s][/h3][/b] - Marlentz was a southern clan that has recently gone extinct - in the last one and a half years. Supposedly due to the hand of another clan, it left no survivors as far as common knowledge goes. Still, the land nearby these cursed places is considered to dangerous to traverse to check out the story, and most leave well alone. [/color][/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QZGGWYS.png[/img] [center]WIP[/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HWZ2FhD.png[/img] [i][sub]you may disable/enable NPC at any time.[/sub][/i] [b]Close RRA:[/b] This RP will remain open to new characters. After the RRA is finished before IC startup, you may chose to close it to new people or leave it open to specific roles the RRA missed. [hider=Relationships] [table=bordered][row][cell][center]Character[/center][/cell][cell][center]Orientation[/center][/cell][cell][center]Lifelines[/center][/cell][cell][center]Relations[/center][/cell][cell]Close RRA[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Rimguage ♂ 19[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, [s]Veto[/s], Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Narcissa [b]Love:[/b] Valerie [b]Friend[/b] - Floran Cestanz [b]Friend[/b]- Vadik [b]Friend:[/b] Xena [/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink]✓ Alexis Hunter ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Bisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, [s]Veto[/s], Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Éclair [b]Love:[/b] Narcissa [b]Friends:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Valerie [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Raydon [b]Aquinatance:[/b] Persephone [i]Persephone has a crush[/i] [i]Floran Cestanz has a crush[/i][/center][/cell][cell][b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Kanza ♂ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Stalana [b]Friends:[/b] sakurasan's future character [b]Acquaintances:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain[/center][/cell][cell][b]Love:[/b] Open [b]Friend:[/b] Kenzie Moraitis [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [/cell][/row] [row][cell][center]✓ Numas Inora, 22[/center][/cell][cell][center]Pansexual [/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Crush:[/b] Bahji [b]Friend:[/b] Éclair [b]Friend:[/b] Narcissa[/center] [b]Friend:[/b] Valerie[/cell][cell][b]Love:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink]✓ Eilidh Ua Briain ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center] Heterosexual [/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Friend:[/b] Valerie [b]Friends:[/b] Flydren [b]Enemy:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Enemy:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Alexis [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Kanza [i]Bahji has a crush[/i] [/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Floran Cestanz ♂ 23[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Azira [b]Crush:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Friend:[/b] Rimguage [b]Friend:[/b] Bahji [B]Friend:[/b] Ophelia [b]Enemy:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Enemy:[/b]: Kenzie Moraitis [b]Enemy:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Vadik[/center][/cell][cell]All Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Xena ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Vadik [b]Crush:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Friend:[/b] Rimguage [b]Friend:[/b] Flydren [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Kenzie Moraitis [b]Acquiantance:[/b] Stalana[/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Bahji ♂ 20[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Bisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, [s]Reroll[/s], Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love[/b]: Ophelia [b]Love:[/b] Valerie [b]Crush:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Friend:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Enemy:[/b] Feir [b]Enemy:[/b] Raydon [b]Enemy:[/b] Vadik[/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [i]Numas has a Crush[/i] [/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Raydon ♂ 15[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Demisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, [s]Reroll[/s], [s]Revive[/s], Restart, [s]If-then[/s][/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Crush:[/b] Valerie [b]Crush:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Enemy:[/b] Bahji [b]Enemy:[/b] Vadik[/center][/cell][cell][b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=lightpink]✓ Stalana ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, [s]Veto[/s], Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Blueflames CS (Pending) [b]Love:[/b] Kanza [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Xena[/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Half Open* [b]Aquiantance:[/b] [/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]✓ Khyrian Faurus ♂ 23[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Friends:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Friends:[/b] Vadik [b]Enemy:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Enemy:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Feir [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Persephone [i]Xena has a crush[/i] [i]Ophelia has a crush[/i][/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]Vadik ♂ 20[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, [s]Veto,[/s] Reroll, [s]Revive[/s], Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love[/b]: Xena [b]Friend:[/b] Rimguage [b]Friend:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Enemy:[/b] Raydon [b]Enemy:[/b] Bahji [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Fyldren [/center][/cell][cell][b]Enemy:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Ophelia ♀ 15[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Flydren [b]Love:[/b] Bahji [b]Crush:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Friends:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Friends:[/b] Kenzie Moraitis [b]Friends:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Valerie [i]Azira has a crush[/i] [/center][/cell][cell][b]Love:[/b] Open [b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open* [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Valerie ♀ 20[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, [s]Reroll[/s], Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Rimguage [b]Love:[/b] Bahji [b]Love:[/b] Flydren [b]Friend:[/b] Numas Inora [b]Friend:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aqauintance:[/b] Kenzie Moraitis [i]Raydon has a crush[/i][/center][/cell][cell][b]Enemy:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Narcissa ♀ 17[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Bisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love[/b] - Rimguage [b]Love:[/b] Flydren [b]Love:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Love:[/b] Feir [b]Love:[/b] Persephone [b]Friend:[/b] Numas [b]Friend:[/b] Ophelia [b]Enemy:[/b] sakursan's future CS [b]Enemy:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Valerie [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Flydren [i]Raydon has a crush[/i] [/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=skyblue]Flydren ♂ 21[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Valerie [b]Love:[/b] Ophelia [b]Love:[/b] Narcissa [b]Friends:[/b] Xena [b]Friends:[/b] Eilidh Ua Briain [b]Aquiantances:[/b] Narcissa [b]Aquiantances:[/b] Vadik [/center][/cell][cell]All Open[/cell][/row][row][cell][center][color=skyblue]Feir ♂ 22[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Narcissa [b]Friends:[/b] Kenzie Moraitis [b]Aquaintances:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Aquiantances:[/b] Khyrian Faurus [b]Aquiantances:[/b] Azira [b]Enemies:[/b] Bahji [/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=skyblue]Kenzie Moraitis ♂ 19[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Éclair [b]Love:[/b] Stalana [b]Friends:[/b] Feir [b]Friends:[/b] Ophelia [b]Friends:[/b] Kanza [b]Enemies:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Valerie [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Xena[/center][/cell][cell][b]Friend:[/b] Open [b]Enemy:[/b] Open [/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Persephone ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Homosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Narcissa [b]Love:[/b] sakurasan's pending cs [b]Crush:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Aquaintance:[/b] Khyrian Faurus[/center][/cell][cell][b]Enemy:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink]Éclair ♀ 17[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Bisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Alexis Hunter [b]Love:[/b] (sakurasan CS) [b]Crush:[/b] Valerie [b]Friend:[/b] Rimguage [b]Friend:[/b] Fylden [/center][/cell][cell][b]Enemy:[/b] Open [b]Aquiantance:[/b] Open[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=skyblue] Ioan du Van Nostrade ♂ 19[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Homosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center]~Updating~[/center][/cell][cell]Open?[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink] Azira ♀ 24[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Pansexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, [s]Veto[/s], Reroll, Revive, Restart, [s]If-then[/s][/center][/cell][cell][center][b]Love:[/b] Floran Cestanz [b]Crush:[/b] Ophelia [b]Aquiantances:[/b] Feir[/center][/cell][cell]Open?[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink] Fæla ♀ 16[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Demisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, [s]Reroll[/s], Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center]Open?[/center][/cell][cell]Open?[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink] Raven ♀ 18[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Demisexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center]Open?[/center][/cell][cell]Open?[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=lightpink] Nanna ♀ 20[/color][/center][/cell][cell][center]Heterosexual[/center][/cell][cell][center]Opt out, Veto, Reroll, Revive, Restart, If-then[/center][/cell][cell][center]Open?[/center][/cell][cell]Open?[/cell][/row][/table] [/hider][/center]