[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Nevan[/color][/h1][/center] Nevan was about to reply to the bratty prince about where he exactly stood in the respect ladder, but decided against it. She simply smiled and turned her attention towards the rest of the group. After all what was the point with dealing with a brat for that’s what he was a royal BRAT! Not that it mattered, as long as he had the skills to do the job it was fine. If not… well he replaceable as each of them really. Heroes were born, died and or retured by the day pretty much. [color=6ecff6]“Anyhow, before doing anything we still need that communication system done. Give me a couple of days and I would create a magical one, but we don’t have the time.” [/color]Nevan suddenly stated, reminding of this thing that needed to be done right away first[color=6ecff6].” We can use our mobiles and so on, to set something temporary up though it won’t be exactly the most secure thing. Still should work us for a night or two until we get something more permanent down.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“That or we should go buy some real comms right now… if all of you are serious about doing this. Last thing we need is tomorrow for something unexpected to happen and with us spread about the place not to be able to convey the new information right away to the rest. Lack of coordination and ability to communicate would assure failure or that something goes wrong…”[/color]