[Center][B]☆ Helena ☆[/b][/center] After a little while more of socializing with the other girls, she found herself alone again. And she was alright with that. Her head was feeling better, but she was still tired and it would be a much wiser idea for her to get some sleep in before they left on the mission that evening. Because while she in theory had no problem with traveling at night, she’d not slept well the night before and so she figured that an afternoon nap was the best idea for her. She slept clothed again and woke up just at the end of supper which she scarfed down quickly before going back to her room to double check that she had packed all her things that she needed and that she’d gotten all of the things that were required of her. When she was certain of that she headed down to meet up with the rest of the students and such that were off to the nox. She gathered at the wagons that would be leaving for her homeland, sitting on the cold ground a little off from the rest of the group and brushing her hair again before rebraiding it loosely while keeping an eye out for Annabeth or anyone else she might know going.