[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@supertinyking][@Nightknight][@Absolis][@thewizardguy] Firebrand watched as something was flung from the heart of the tornado into a nearby cabbage stand, sending what vegetables had survived rolling across the ground. Those that rolled toward him were mostly snatched up and consumed by the whirlwind still ranging beside him. The smell of burning flesh was overpowered by the smell of burning cabbage. Firebrand caught the last with his foot before it was pulled in, a futile effort to stop the smell from getting stronger. The windstorm died down and the concentrated stink spread out across the battlefield. Then Viral burst from the remnants of the stand, broken and burned and alive. Firebrand almost sagged as he watch the beastmans wounds nit themselves together. Not out of fear or weariness, but disappointment. He'd mistaken simple bravado for suicidal bravery. Here he'd though he found someone with the death defying spirit of the Silver Knight. It was irrational, but as Viral charged back to melee he felt robbed. So he threw the cabbage at him. It was a very good throw, considering he'd done it with his foot. The vegetable flew right at Viral's face. For a moment it was like the moon hanging in the night sky. Then, as it was just within arms reach, a blue Buster burned through it and shot at him like an arrow. The stink was ghastly.