[hider=Rock] [center] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/64128626301f92184ebf122fffb6f16a/tumblr_o6i4s05pum1tox5ero1_500.png[/img] Name: Rock Serene Age: 25 Sex: Male Appearance: Rock stands at a tall 6 foot 4 and has a muscular physique. His hair is long, blonde and is often kept in a ponytail underneath his red and white trucker cap he is hardly ever seen without. His left eye is a piercing blue, while his right is covered by an eyepatch hidden underneath his hair. Background: Rock's beginnings are bizarre to say the least. Few know of master Kenshii, even within the hermit community he is not known very well at all. Living in a cave in the desert it's hard to imagine how he could have children. The answer came in the form of an apprentice who sought him out. Yes, much alike so many of the other hermits, Kenshii was somewhat of a pervert. Sometime later and Rock was born. He was trained from the young age of 4 in the art of combat. Every day was brutal, being forced to lift heavier and heavier objects to increase his strength. By the age of 13 he was well on his way to surpass his dear old dad. Only a year later was he proficient in his father's style of ki, one he was adamant only came from "being the strongest" as a way to inflate his own ego. Centered around the earth, the ki was powerful, but not versatile at all. Rock focused on using this style to increase the power in his physical attacks rather than using it the conventional way taught by his father. He left to travel the world on a pilgrimage at the young age of 16 as ordered by his father. His father explained it as a learning experience, but to be honest he didn't have much else to teach Rock. Rock's journey began in the big city, something he had never seen before. Being rather strange and naive, he was almost mugged quite a few times, but always managed to catch and beat the mugger within an inch of his life after realizing what had happened. He adjusted to normal life sooner or later, learning the lingo and how to act in regular situations. He realized he preferred the life of the average Joe to that of the one he had been living. He learned to drive at the age of 17 and became a truck driver by the age of 18. He traveled long distance, delivering goods to even the most dangerous of places, having to fight bandits and creatures alike along his journey. He never paid much heed to the Red Ribbon Army and its constant expansion. That is, until he came across an especially tough squadron of soldiers. They stopped his truck, explaining that they needed the supplies for their men. Rock would be damned if he'd just let them have it, money was hard to come by on a zero hour contract. He fought them, which turned out to be a tougher fight than he could have ever expected. He managed to get the first two down before the third managed to physically grab and pull out Rock's right eye. Leaving him on the ground in shock. He managed to find his way back home, getting medical attention and an eyepatch after arriving. He swore to get vengeance against the Red Ribbon Army, which came in the form of Popo, recruiting him into the resistance. Training: Rock's style of fighting is rather abstract. He learned the more traditional aspects of his style from his father, the reclusive master Kenshii. This consists of karate, jeet kune do and kickboxing. However, his time spent travelling and training along the way has taught him a style of boxing and street fighting to incorporate into this style. Abilities: Due to his training, Rock has little knowledge of ki itself, but manages to use it under the pretense of 'just being strong enough'. His ki abilities are relatively weak right now, most of it goes into enhancing the damage of his normal physical attacks. His only 'real' ki based attack is a wave of energy he sends along the ground. He is unable to use the ki in any way not connected to the ground at the present time. Items: Rock doesn't carry weapons on his person. [/center][/hider]