[hider=Amotep Alliance] [center][h1]Amotep Alliance[/h1] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/f066ddb4e1b761aa6c1a0e265717f2a2/tumblr_ns7x7vOdV81tnrh27o1_500.gif[/img] [h3]Claim: 11[/h3] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Alliance between Mages, Humans, Dwarves and the Great Dragons. The Humans, Amotep, are the most numerous with a large standing army. The dwarves supplement the humans with mighty war machines such as Golems, and Mechanical Dragonfly cavalry and make up the bulk of the Economy. The few Mages are powerful and summon dragon-kin and eldritch horrors to reinforce the battle lines, in addition to wielding potent blasts of magic. Lastly the few Great Dragons are passive and reluctant to enter into conflict but are terrors on the field if they do. [/indent] [h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The Amotep are the governing body of the Alliance, however the Dwarven King and Arch-Mage also have significant say in the dealings of the empire. The alliance is militaristic but defensive, they utilize their Dwarven experts heavily in the economy by forging weapons and trinkets for trade. The Mages work closely with the Great Dragons in researching arcane arts and aiding the population with healing or other needs for magic. After that, there is very little Friction between the factions of the alliance.[/indent] [h2][b][u]APPEARANCE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The average Amotep Citizen looks of average human shape with an olive tint to the skin and black or brown hair, their armor is of Dwarven make and somewhat bulky on them, but making them very durable. The Dwarves, look exactly as one would expect. The Mages are all drawn from the Amotep, Dwarven mages are all Forge-wizards or Rune-Smiths and remain with their kin. lastly the great dragons vary widely in appearance, from the frame of the body to the coloration of the scales. [/indent] [h2][b][u]ECONOMY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Water, Ceramic (bathroom tiles), Metals from wires, pipes, Jewlery. metals are refined using Dwarven forges and Dragon Fire. Linen and fabric, chemicals (from the bathroom or closet), and anything else i cant think of. [/indent] [h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]A counsel made up of the Dwarven King, Arch-Mage, Amotep King, and one of the Great Dragons (whichever bothers to show up) [hider=Amotep] [hider=Emperor Aemon][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/7089/f/2013/303/d/1/emperor___the_senator_by_gillesketting-d6scjpl.jpg[/img] The Emperor of the Amotep Empire is a reserved man, modestly wielding his authority and keeping the peace between the other factions. reluctant to wage war preferring to grow an prosper rather than constantly wage petty wars over territory.[/hider] [Hider= General Scorpius] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130426213331/darksouls/images/c/cc/Berenike_Knight_Concept.jpg[/img] The General is much the opposite of the Emperor, he is brazen and a warmonger kept in check only by the emperor. He is an elite knight sporting armor forged by the Dwarves in honor of his rank. [/hider] [hider= Mages] [hider=Arch mage] [img]http://www.gamingrebellion.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/witch.jpg?4d7588[/img] The Arch Mage, also called the witch, Izalith is the Queen of the Evoker mages. sometimes called her Daughters of Chaos. She is a very intelligent woman who applies her intellect to the study and growth of magic in all its forms, and often far too distracted for matters of state or warfare. [Hider= Shade Master] [img]http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/shop/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/330x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/e/_/e_1178_f1_p.jpg[/img] The Shade Master is the lord over the Summoner Mages, able to summon mighty spectal and demonic creatures to do his bidding. He is no longer human, his robes are empty and is an ethereal being. This makes him detached from reality, he seems to know more about any situation than he should but is always indifferent to the outcome. [/hider] [/hider] [/indent] [h2][b][u]LEGACY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Very little, the faction arose out of the same box in the closet. The closeness of their awakening and the confusion there of had them make a fast alliance. They quickly conquered the adjacent bathroom and tunneled through the walls making several points to cross. both doors had been shut and locked, but a hole carved into the bottom center of each just large enough to comfortably accommodate a great dragon (~6-7in across). Just inside of both doors the Alliance had build mighty fortresses out of ceramic hewn from the toilet and bathtub. [/indent] [h2][b][u]MILITARY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]100 Evoker Mages Evoker's are capable of wreaking havok across the battlefield with great blasts of magic and firestorms, they have poor defense and rely on infantry to protect them 100 Summoner Mages Summoners bolster the front line infantry by drawing powerful shades and demons onto the battle field, still capable of offensive magic they are poor compared to their Evoker counterparts. [Hider=5 Great Dragons] ((Counting as 10 units each due to scale)) [/hider] 200 Dwarven Golems Forged from steel by Dwarven Rune Smiths these golems are resilient to damage even above and beyond that of the iron bodies. 50 Dwarven Mechanized Cavalry Mounted on huge magic fueled mechanical dragonflies the dwarves carry guns into the air and blast infantry and air units alike with a shower of hot lead. 600 Amotep lancers - Carrying long spears and heavy shields, along with incinerators, they form the bulk of the Amotep front line. 400 Amotep Gunners - following behind the lancers and incinerators the Gunners use simple single action guns to pepper the enemy before the lines clash in battle. 500 Amotep Incinerators - Carrying tanks of flamable liquid on their backs and a hose to spew flame over the enemy and sport extremely heavy armor. 100 Amotep armored cavalry [/indent] [/center] [/Hider]