[hider=Eridani Star Kingdom] [center][color=2E8B57][b]Eridani Star Kingdom[/b][/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zRgmriB.png[/img][/center] [center]The Eridani[/center] The inhabitants of the Star Kingdom, are, at their core, no different from the initial settlers seeded from Earth itself, drawn largely from western civilization, as it was then termed, but interspersed with mandated genetic variety and other such necessities its bankrolling corporation demanded or required. As such, there is little to separate them at the base level from similar descendant generations from Earth itself, aside from the results of successively improved generations of genetic therapy and neuro-surgery techniques, as well as attempts at prolonging the human lifespan, albeit in a manner different from the nano-technology employed upon Earth itself. [center]The Eridani Government[/center] Overview: The initial Eridani Holding Company Ltd. never survived to see the Landing of its eventual and largely considered, at least on Earth, long failed colonization attempt sent to Epsilon Eridani II (Atlantica). The consequent re-organisation of the initial board of directors and "freeholders" into something resembling a government prior to the official founding of the colony laid the ground work for a messy transition into a chaotic democracy that would of likely doomed the colony. 1 Year after founding, following a vote of the now ambulatory larger populace, the Constitutional Compact that essentially reformed the sole remaining portions of the EHC Ltd and the transitional government on Epsilon Eridani 2 into a model constitutional monarchy was signed, placing the current non-corporate civilian governor into the final place of "King" and forming the early Star Kingdom as hereditary one. As such, the Star Kingdom operates several organs of government. [b]The Royal Household[/b] The Royal Household comprises the ruling hereditary monarch, as well as the royal family at large as well as the elected (and sometimes selected) privy council that makes up the Monarch's advisory body. The Royal Household has a measure of legislative power referred to as the "Stability Compromise" by the Constitutional Compact, affording more power, particularly in times of trouble, to the ruling Monarch. However, the Royal Household primarily relies on influence, popularity and soft power in effect to its position in the governing structure. Current Royal Family and heirs to the throne: King Alexander II, 62 Years Old (Head) Prince Octavius, 26 Years Old (Heir Apparent) Princess Alexandria, 22 Years Old, 2nd in Line Duke David III of New Powys, 65 Years Old, 3rd in Line (2 Living Sons) Duke Richard V of Thunder Bay, 94 Years Old, 5th in Line (1 Living Son, 1 Living Daughter) Duchess Magdeline I of Barshafen, 44 Years Old, 8th in Line (No Eligible Heirs) Duke Antoine II of Nouveau Lyons, 22 Years Old, 9th in Line to the Throne --- [b]The Cabinet[/b] The Cabinet consists of ministers selected by the elected Prime Minister and by extension, their party, to lead governmental departments of the civil service and comprises the main high-level legislative proposals and governance of the Star Kingdom. Despite the Cabinet's legislative power, it is beholden to the whims of public opinion, and of course, the will of the sovereign parliament to which all of the ministers were elected to. [b]The Parliament[/b] The primary legislative body in the Kingdom, The parliament is bicameral, consisting of an upper house (the House of Lords) and a lower house (the House of Commons). The House of Lords includes two different types of members: the Lords Spiritual (the senior bishops of the Eridani Church of Humanity) and the Lords Temporal (members of the Peerage) whose members are not elected by the population at large, but are appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister. The House of Commons is a democratically elected chamber with elections held at least every five years. The two Houses meet in separate chambers in the Palace of the Bay (commonly known as the Houses of Parliament) in Avalon. By constitutional convention, all government ministers, including the Prime Minister, are members of the House of Commons – or, less commonly, the House of Lords – and are thereby accountable to the respective branches of the legislature. However, through the compact - all acts of Parliament are subjected to the approval of the Monarch, though the right of review has not been exercised since the Green Crisis. --- [b]The Chartered Assemblies[/b] The Chartered Assemblies are a devolved assembly with power to make legislation in assigned counties or departments - the nominal regional areas and "feudal holdings" that make up the Star Kingdom. An assembly can be large (in the case of the Avalon Central Chartered Assembly) or relatively small, though not below 30 Assembly Members. The Assemblies are based on the concept of local rule as instituted within the initial principles of Eridani Settlement - but are granted special privileges or rights by the Royal Assent given for their formation and the charter prescribed to them by the Royal Household, thus their conception as Chartered Assemblies. The Chartered Assemblies are organised under the auspices of the Home Secretariat whom passes their concerns not dealt with in parliament onto the Privy Council and Cabinet. [b]The Government in function[/b] The Eridani Government however, is effectively devised of three main areas of authority, and mixes true democracy with almost archaic feudal rights with wanton abandon. First and foremost, the Kingdom derives its legitimacy from Royal perogative, with Royal authority being final in most elements of higher governance. While the Monarchy is beholden to public opinion and the sovereign will of the Eridani parliament, from which secondary power is derived, it remains a government of royal assent. However, the Kingdom, as stated, in its tertiary derivation of authority, is a collection of, in theory, regional authorities and personal holdings. While these local governments have given up a number of powers to the civil service and thus, central government they retain some rights, such as self defense and in civil law, though large amounts of Eridani law sets precedent for local civil law. Each local government itself governs as derived from its people or invested ruler, and systems of local governance can, whilst being largely similar, differ in basis and name. However, much governance on the homeworld itself is uniform, whilst colonial holdings can begin to differ, though not unrecognizably, from standard norms. --- [center]The Eridani Military[/center] The Eridani Military is at its core an academy based, voluntary system which makes up the majority of peace and war time troops. It consists of three official branches and their constituent subbranches - His/Her Majesties Interstellar Navy, The Royal Eridani Marine Corps and the Associated Intelligence Services (AIS). The Kingdom commits to the concept of war and its associated doctrines with the matter of enforcing its survival through punching above its weight with, if not superior, then at least sufficient applicable force to make concepts such as invasion of Eridani territory itself too bloody to entertain. The strength of the Eridani Military is consequently dependent on its elite backbone found within the co-operating branches of the Marine Corps and Navy and the application of the ground forces, ideally never at all, and only when occupation is paramount. The Eridani Star Kingdom consequently relies heavily on reconnaissance, advanced deceptive electronics and further its intelligence services and the standing defensive strength of its Navy to deter aggressors and ultimately resolve conflicts - preferably before they enlarge and threaten Atlantica itself. [b]The Eridani Marine Corps[/b] The Eridani Marine Corps is a small but highly trained force mostly centered around, primarily, small corps sized Marine Groups who can be rapidly deployed or withdrawn. The Kingdom maintains a training regimen for "army" grouped size operations of Marines in concert with standard infantrymen. Each Holding as defined under settlement laws are responsible for peace time troop deployments and maintaining a standing defence force of infantrymen and associated equipment for the benefit of the Kingdom's Security. Eridani Marines are typically a lightly armoured, highly mobile force trained primarily in securing space-borne assets in capture or seizure operations and in insertion into contested areas to sever command and control networks by seizure of essential enemy ground assets. Marines consequently rely on speed, agility, and an efficient utilization of intelligence and and other support to effectively cripple an enemy and eliminate them piecemeal, though elements of "bulwark" or heavily armoured marines exist. The Army at large however, does maintain an appropriate level of vehicle based support, although utilization of these assets, in doctrine, at least, requires orbital and air superiority. [b]His/Her Majesties Interstellar Navy[/b] The Eridani Royal Interstellar Navy consists of 3 Fleets and 2 Carrier Battlegroups. In the case of offensive operations, ships would be expected to switch jurisdiction to the regional command which most required them. The Eridani Military has, largely, effected a unique mix of strong low level initiative and higher level lead by task - rather than a top to bottom lead by order doctrine that has been proved ineffective in most situations. Fleet Doctrine relies on large, "ships of the line" supported by fighter and bomber groups and large numbers of picket forces. The Navy is currently coordinated from Theseus Station in Atlantica orbit. Associated Intelligence Service Intelligence is paramount in any operation, and the Star Kingdom has taken this idea to the fore. The Associated Intelligence Service itself is arguably a "holding company" for intelligence from numerous sources and agencies, but has its own agents, agenda, and has ultimate control over all intelligence operations and branches, from domestic to foreign, as well as far reaching authority to accomplish its objectives with plausible deniability. The AIS remains free, largely, of political manoeuvring or games of influence by its control being tied into the civil service - and, despite having a minister appointed to maintain governmental oversight, is largely beholden to the will of the Prime Minister and Monarch. [center]Technological Overview: [/center] While the initial ships and technology employed to bear colonists to Epsilon Eridani were expensive and experimental, they were also outdated within a few years of leaving Earth's orbit on a mission many, years later, believed had catastrophically failed. The limited tech base, despite vast computer banks to hold knowledge, that were of practical use also frustrated early Eridani developments, despite the lush and vibrant world they found themselves upon. It was the discovery of not one, not two, but three distinct and very much alien data caches. While much of the data itself was inane or degraded beyond use, what remained revolutionized colonial, and consequently, Eridani science, mitigating and outright eliminating a number of inherent problems in things as varied as medical science to applications in xeno-agriculture. [b]Accelerated Kinetics[/b] While any sufficiently advanced civilization can propel a kinetic weapon, be it slug or missile, at relativistic speeds, the weapon of choice for the Eridani was no doubt chosen and honed to finesse by a few simple elements lifted from the caches. By applying initially unthinkable techniques and honing methods of power application while also reducing stress on components, the ability to fire larger shells, faster and further and also refining the art of missile warfare has given a punch to the arguably smaller Eridani than they would otherwise possess. [b]Applied Subspace Theory[/b] While the Alcubierre Drive freed humanity from the Solar System, Eridani innovation with just a little nudge in the right direction would free the Star Kingdom from the cumbersome drive in any form altogether. By tapping into elements of the universe colloquially labelled "subspace", Eridani ships are capable of using much smaller systems completely independent of others to open apertures into subspace, drastically reducing travel times and eliminating many of the inherent dangers in warp travel - though subspace travel is not without its dangers. [b]Advanced Miniaturization[/b] The greatest gifts of the Alien Caches were arguably the small translatable notes on reducing the workload on some ancient logistics depot, with investigation and luck, elements of miniturization that must of borrowed from advanced subspace theory were identifiable, allowing the revolutionary employment of techniques that drastically reduced the size of numerous every day components, allowing greater economic dividends from resourcing concerns and every day storage right up to civilian and military applications. [b]Chemical Catalyst[/b] An innovation brought about by the flora and fauna of Atlantica, Chemical Catalysts drastically changed construction techniques when its applications were understood. By employing specific chemical reactions learned from observing and testing, materials, such as the metal sheets used in early ship construction, could be bonded together at a chemical level rather than riveted or bolted together, with obvious implications. --- [center]Cultural Overview[/center] Overview: The culture of the Star Kingdom is heavily influenced by the origin of its initial settlers - primarily those nations of the anglo-sphere and western europe, though with smaller notable groups from beyond headhunted for the initial project. Eridani Culture has thus taken a cosmopolitan blend of them all, though arguably dominated by a British-American core, with tinges of German and French influences melding into and around it. Arguably, it is the legacy of western literature, music, cinema, art, theatre, media, television, philosophy and architecture that define and remain influential and respected across the Kingdom. With an understood legacy from science and technology to cuisine and sport. That said, the creeping eventuality and entrenchment of a class system, though not one typically of excess or cruelty - and a means of definition in opposite to current Earthbound Solar Culture, duly influenced by its nature as a capitalistic society. Eridani are everything from liberal to conservative, and the varied entertainments and ways to lose money emulate and revel in that. [b]Culture[/b] Music Eridani Music harkens back to the impact of "soft power" - that of cultural dominance rather than military. Cultural values have long since incorporated the even more vibrant styles of the newer outer colonies and their more divergent communities, and has a large appeal across much of the Kingdom. The vibrant Atlantican scene continues to push the boundaries, as musicians continue to fuse and innovate new styles akin to the development of many new styles that appeared in the first colonial period. The strong, if overlooked, military classical bands also have their adherents, even if they may not appear in the popular charts. Arts The Kingdom has inherited a vast legacy of prominent artists, actors and great creators of works from not only its own nascent development - but Old Earth and other associated sources. In the age of expansion it has continued to develop this strength - another aspect of "soft" diplomatic power, in order to entertain and bind its citizens through a new common culture. Literature Much like other fields, the Kingdom lays claim to many great authors throughout the ages. Modern Authors are able to claim a continuing of this legacy. The "Chronicles of War", is a collection of fiction and true stories based around the idealisation and realities of conflict and is pointed to as an example of great literary work even in the harshest of circumstances. Authors have continued in such a fashion, including the Colonial Epic of "Oh, Capella" and "The Green - An Ode to Silence" - a story concerning the grave tragedy experienced during the Green Crisis. [center]History[/center] It was not uncommon, as Earth began a slow descent into a form of madness, for corporations to float, and sometimes even, for a while, proceed along a path to attempting to send a group of people to some god forsaken rock utilizing little more than an experimental warp drive strapped to a space shuttle. While the initial plans for the Eridani Expedition could be called something similar, it had considerable more clout attached to it and perhaps, most importantly, the financial backing to see it through, despite all attempts to strip that away. Corporations had, by then, exceeded the reach of most governments - and the largely selfish motives were tempered by the reality of the mission and what it required. Several ships, considerably larger than a shuttle but, all the same, using experimental cryo-techniques, gene-bank storage and even more untested warp drives would eventually be at the core of the mission to Epsilon Eridani. It was without much fanfare the mission was launched, and within a few short years the holding company meant to keep watch over it had been subsumed in some hostile takeover, and the mission, in most circles, largely forgotten - whilst others remembered and, with no contact, assumed it must of simply gone the way of some others - tragedy and failure. That had not been the case, and while lacking the means to contact Earth itself - many who had taken the opportunity to either be gene sampled or outright shipped off into space had seen the way things on Earth were going, and of them, many believed that it was Earth that would be consumed in tragedy and failure. Finding Epsilon Eridani II, consequently named "Atlantica" to be a vibrant world far beyond the most optimistic projections, if a more watery world than the one they had left, were, if not content, willing to start over. One year in from initial landing, it was clear that the tenuous interplay between a corporate sponsored administrative board, the civilian governorship, employees and "freeholders" - that is, the thousands required to make the whole thing work but who had no actual meaningful stake in the "shares" of the company could not stand. The eventual agreement on a governmental form that essentially landed the employees, erected a monarchy but protected the freeholders under a constitution was the unexpected but eventual outcome, and the settlement of Avalon was officially incorporated as the capital of Altantica, and the nascent Eridani Star Kingdom was born. After nearly two decades of hard work, however, it would be the "Green Crisis" - a failure in the xeno-agricultural methods that would nearly end the colony, only saved at the midnight hour by the intervention of the monarchy, thus cementing them in the publics eye, and the translation of key portions of the newly discovered alien caches of data. The Eridani Star Kingdom consequently began a roaring pace of expansion, free from food and general resource shortages, eventually becoming space borne only 50 years after landfall - and planting a colony on the far less habitable but mineral rich Epsilon Eridani V five years later. Within another decade, a patchwork of mining stations and colonies began to litter the system - and its military began to earn its pay against the ever present threat of piracy. Within another decade, subspace travel had been successfully employed and the Eridani Star Kingdom began to push beyond its solar system. [/hider] Uh terrible I know but, should suffice for now, no? :) There may be things we wish to discuss about little old earth but no major problems.