[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0KFo244.jpg[/img][/center] It was crazy. And Gregory didn't just mean crazy in the way that was thrown around all the time like nothing. The situation that had just been described to him was clinically insane. But it did explain the weird things that had happened to him. But it raised so many more questions? Why them? Why League of Legends? How the hell was there a device that could just give people the powers of video games? Everything about it seemed surreal, but he had to accept that this was real, and he was involved in one way or another. They were all involved, in fact. The rest of them seemed as frantic as him when presented with the truth that was in all ways stranger than fiction. They were surprised, confused, and terrified. But he didn't care about that right now. Because at that moment, he realized he could share his problems with the others without them thinking he was crazy. [color=fff200]"Okay everyone, it seems we're all on the same sinking ship that is also on fire, so I think we should just accept that and start trying to survive the crazy man who's coming after us."[/color] he said, standing up to get everyone's attention. This was important, dammit. [color=fff200]"I'm Gregory Jaegar, I'm an amateur musician, and now that I know I'm not making it all up in my bed, I apparently have all the powers of Bard. I know it's all a lot to take in, but keeping this in mind, I'd like to know if any of you have seen what I know understand to be my Meep. He seems to be lost ever since I woke up, which seems like quite a problem."[/color]